Accountant of payments, economist of the financial department, paymaster
- Занятость:
- Полная занятость.
- Возраст:
- 40 лет
- Город проживания:
- Киев
- Готов работать:
- Удаленно
Контактная информация
Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.
Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.
Получить контакты этого кандидата можно на странице https://www.work.ua/resumes/11949880/
Опыт работы
Accountant of the export department
с 06.2023 по наст. время
(1 год 8 месяцев)
AH 'Avangard', Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)
- carrying out documents for receipt of goods;
- carrying out documents for the sale of goods (invoices, cargo customs declarations;
- conducting documents for incoming services;
- reconciliation of mutual settlements with foreign counterparties;
- creation of requests for write-off of funds by departments and cost items;
- processing incoming and outgoing payment documents in the 1C program;
- purchase and sale of currency
Sumy State University
Finance, Суми
Высшее, с 2004 по 2008 (4 года)
Знания и навыки
- 1С:Бухгалтерія
- Клієнт-Банк
Знание языков
- Украинский — свободно
- Русский — свободно
- Английский — средний
Дополнительная информация
Work experience:
01.12.2022 - 03.05.2023
Company name: 'Ascania' LLC (wholesale and retail trade in food products)
Position: accountant of the financial department
- drawing up a payment calendar;
- making payments;
- conducting bank statements in the accounting system;
- carrying out internal applications and documents for the movement of funds;
- preparation of documents for foreign currency payments;
- communication with bank managers;
- communication with company divisions in the regions;
- internal reports at the request of managers;
- testing the "Bank" block in the 1C program.
14.09.2021 -24.02.2022
Company name: 'MK' LLC (wholesale and retail trade in food products)
Position: accountant of the financial department
- creation of requests for write-off of funds by departments and cost items;
- processing incoming and outgoing payment documents in the 1C program;
- control of cash balances;
- cash flow statement;
- participation in budget formation.
Company name: Hotel, Koblevo city (hotel and restaurant
business, tourism)
Position: hotel administrator
- receiving guests, documenting their accommodation and meals;
- settlements with guests;
- interaction with tour operators;
- working with booking sites;
- coordination of personnel work;
- cash register, Z-report, internal reports;
- work with the B52 reservation system.
15.01.2020 - 24.05.2021
Company name: 'V P K' SPE (heat generation)
Position: economist
- formation and maintenance of a database of raw materials and finished products;
- keeping records of heat supply calculations for organizations;
- ensuring document flow;
- control of terms and amounts of contracts;
- cost control by item;
- preparation of data for final reporting.
Company name: 'Climate Systems Company' LLC (wholesale/retail trade)
Position: accountant
- primary documentation;
- reconciliation with counterparties;
- Client-bank.
Company name: 'Devikom' LLC (wholesale/retail trade)
Position: primary documentation accountant
- carrying out operations in management accounting;
- carrying out cargo customs declarations, incoming and outgoing documents in the 1C8.3 program for several organizations;
- registration of tax invoices (M.E.Doc);
- control of receipt of original documents;
- monthly reconciliation with counterparties;
- control of receivables and payables;
- Client-bank;
- conducting bank statements in the accounting system;
- production reports.
Company name: 'FinInCom' LLC (outsourcing)
Position: accountant
- making payments in the “Client-Bank” system (Privatbank,
Credit Agricole, UkrSibbank, Ukrsotsbank, Taskombank, Credit
Dnepr, Raiffeisen Bank Aval);
- registration of tax invoices (iFin);
- primary documentation.
Company name: 'Service Telecom Ukraine' LLC (construction)
Position: accountant
- work with customers and contractors;
- control of accounts receivable and payable
by timing of occurrence;
- primary documentation;
- personnel documentation;
- office work;
- incoming and outgoing cash orders;
- accounting of fuels and lubricants;
- preparation of documents for tender;
- formation of estimates in AVK-5.
Personal qualities: learning ability, responsibility, punctuality, absence of bad habits
Другие резюме этого кандидата
Полная занятость, неполная занятость
Освіта вища (заочна форма) 2004 –2008 Сумський державний університет Спеціалізація: «Фінанси» Кваліфікація: «Економіст» Досвід роботи 12.06.2023 - по теперішній час Місце роботи: ТОВ «Авангард...
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42000 грн, Удаленно, Киев -
Головний бухгалтер, економіст, фінансовий директор
45000 грн, Удаленно, Винница, Ивано-Франковск -
Фінансовий менеджер, контролер, керівник фінансового відділу
Удаленно -
Фінансовий аналітик, економіст, бухгалтер
25000 грн, Удаленно -
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50000 грн, Удаленно, Ивано-Франковск