Резюме від 3 червня 2024 Файл


Керівник відділу продажу

46 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Serhiy Bovsunovskyy
Date of birth: October 26, 1977
Marital status: married, daughter born in 1998.
Place of residence, Kyiv

Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»), [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Key information:

More than 20 years of successful sales & development experience.
Strong leadership and management skills.
Deep understanding specific of the territory (Ukraine, Moldova).
Building & development strategic partnership with key customers & distributors.
Target & people oriented approach,


12 2014 – 11 2023 LLC Henkel Ukraine

 02 2019 – 11 2023, National Distributors Sales Manager Ukraine, Moldova
Responsibility: 5 (7) distributors, 7 ASM + LDM

 05 2017 – 02 2019, DSM South-West,
Responsibility: 3 distributors, 4 ASM

 12 2014 – 05 2017, DSM Central-East,
Responsibility: 5 distributors, 3 ASM

 Permanently overachievement of companies targets.
 Recruiting, training and development of talents, creation long-term succession pipeline.
 Management of distributors in the territories (Replacement, search, launch & development)
 Joint business planning with partners.
 Strategy development and effective management of P&L. Optimization and redistribution of costs.
 New KPI system creation & implementation.
 Successful optimization of teams within the framework of the merger of LHC and Beauty businesses
 Adaptation to needs and organization of classroom trainings for the sales department and focus teams
in the territories.
 Soft & hard skills training system development & implementation.

12 2013 – 11 2014. LLC VolWest Group. Sales Director

 Development of the structure of the sales department in the following investment projects: Nash
Kray, Trade Logistic, TechnoModul, ArtHouse, Adrenalin City, Sim’ya I Dim, DKZ, PMBA,
Academy “Shag”, Tarantella.
 Development and implementation of the development strategy of such areas as: franchise,
distribution, trade and advertising equipment, entertainment complex, media, food production and
 Systematization of reporting and control of the work of the sales department

09 2004 – 07 2013 LLC Mars Ukraine

 08 2010 – 07 2013 ASM West. Lviv, Rivne, Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattya
Responsibility: 6 distributors, 9 TSS

 01 2009 – 08 2010 ASM South-East. Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia
Responsibility: 6 distributors, 8 TSS + 1 RAE

 09 2006 – 01 2009 KAE Kyiv

 09 2004 – 09 2006 TSS Ivano-Frankivsk

 Effective negotiations with key customers with tremendous improvement in exposure without
compromising on long-term basis
 Search, replacement, management of distributors
 Start of cooperation with alternative potential channels
 Categorization of sales channels, with the output of potentials in the priority area
 Development and implementation of a new format of impulse equipment
 Formation, development and training of effective structures in the territories

04 2002 – 08 2004 LLC Nova Sprava
 01 2004 – 08 2004 LLC «Nova Sprava» Team Leader Rivne Lutsk

 04 2002 – 01 2004 LLC «Nova Sprava» SR Rivne

04 2001 – 04 2002 TD «Lita» (retail)

 Category manager (soft & alcohol drinks)


1994 – 1999 Rivne State Technical University
Specialty: Hydrotechnical Engineer.
Specialization: Management in the production sphere.
Honors degree.

“Nego”, “Category Management”, “Account Management”, “Store Management”, “Store Wars”,
“Oratorical Skills”, “Presentation Skills”, “Effective Communication”, “Distributor Management”,
“Effective Management”, “People Management”, “Finance for managers”, “Project Management”,

Additional information:
English - intermediate
Strong knowledge of computer programs
Category "B" driver's license, driving experience of more than 20 years

Personal qualities:
Sociable, creative approaches to work, analytical mindset, result-oriented, energetic, purposeful

Recommendations will be provided upon request

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