Резюме від 9 грудня 2015


Генеральный директор агрокомпании, 100 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
61 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Vadim Aristov
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

•Mature executive with over 20 years experience in running multi-field companies, over 3 years in agro sector
•Solid agribusiness competence, supported by Agro MBA. Versatile: harvesting and dairy farming startups, heading an agro holding
•Apt to instantly grasp opportunities and bottle-necks, leverage/ target them
•Delivering sustained results due to intense professional will and strong focus
•Talented leader: a knack for aligning, inspiring and leading teams

Professional Experience & Selected Achievements

AP Complex LLC

Business Development Manager10.2014 – 10.2015

Entered the EU market with pre-cooked chicken products of a Ukrainian producer:
•Determined an optimum business form and founded a company in Slovak Republic
•Put the new company into operation, ensured its operational competence: product and marketing strategy developed and implemented, clients and partners found, personnel hired and trained
•Imported the products out of autonomous preferential import quotas, ensured sales in the EU. Repeat sales in place

Agro-Soyuz Ukraina Holding

Production Enterprise Agro-Soyuz LLC | Agro-Soyuz Projects LLC |
Agricultural Enterprise LLC | Agro-Soyuz Company LLC

CEO06.2014 – 09.2014
Director Production Enterprise Agro-Soyuz LLC02.2014 – 06.2014
Director Agro-Soyuz Projects LLC

Kept the company afloat during the 2014 crisis season:
•Retained, aligned and inspired existing employees, creating a team. Ensured high employee engagement. Built up and encouraged effective management communication and teamwork
•Developed and implemented new business models for the businesses
•Improved cash flow: increased accounts payable fourfold
•Ensured 93% machinery sales plan fulfillment in spite of 70% market fall. Utilized internal reserves and effective stock management as an alternative to investment
•2 CrosSlot seeders developed, produced and sold – the only two ever produced on the CIS territory
•Recovered spare parts distribution and leveraged it to the acceptable profitability level
•Improved quality assurance: safety units quality control test bench put into operation
•Implemented management accounting, CRM and WMS systems

Solidarnost Consulting Group LLC

Project Leader09.2011 – 05.2013
Director Weisbach - Agro LLC12.2011 – 11.2013
Director Agro-Industrial Company Syvolozh LLC06.2013 – 11.2013

•660 head dairy milking farm constructed and put into operation
•Agro-Industrial Company Syvolozh and Weisbach - Agro crop production companies created from scratch, set going and managed
•Up to 1000 hectares of agricultural land collected (rented) within highly competitive environment, planted and harvested
•Record for the region sunflower seed harvest of 28,3 centner/ha gathered

Selena-B LTD LLC

Oil and gas equipment production | Metalware production

CEO04.2001 – 06.2011
Director06.1997 – 04.2001

•Created company from scratch (engineering, production, sales, logistics, external trade), developed it to 2 million USD in sales
•Established and maintained high quality standards – company’s competitive advantage
•Acted for 2 years as major supplier of Ukrgazvydobuvannya gas mining company. 5-6 pieces of equipment sold quarterly

City Pulmonary Center
Anesthetist, Intensive care specialist 1988 – 1996


02.2013 – currentKyiv – Mohyla Business School (kmbs). Agro MBA
09.1981 – 06.1987National Medical University. Doctor

Additional Information

Languages:English: advanced spoken, upper-intermediate written; intermediate Hebrew; native Ukrainian, Russian

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