Моисеенко К. Д., ФЛП

Services for employers

Recruiting and HR

  • Zaporizhzhia, город Запорожье, ул. Лобановского, 10

Кадровая компания ФЛП "Моисеенко Ксения Денисовна" занимается поиском, оценкой и подбором персонала для фирм-заказчиков.

Agency's industries

  • Administration & middle management
  • HR & personnel management
  • IT, computers & Internet
  • Secretarial, clerical & administrative assistants
  • Other fields

Services for employers

— Searching for resumes/profiles matching the job requisition requirements;

— Evaluating and select best matching resumes;

— Prescreening candidates via phone/skype interview;

— Maintaining and updating Workforce Source internal database candidates' records.


Domestic and international companies.

Additional information

Compony has been founded in 2014 in Zaporozhye city

0 posted jobs


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