Job from May 17, 2024

Junior SMM Manager

  • 20 000 UAH
  • Traders Union

    Media; 50–250 employees
  • Remote jobs
  • Full-time. Work experience more than 1 year.
  • English — average
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  • SMM
  • Активність
  • Маркетинг
  • Конкурентний аналіз
  • Ведення звітності
  • Створення контенту
  • Контент-менеджмент
  • Digital-маркетинг
  • Розробка маркетингової стратегії
  • Контент-маркетинг
  • Content Creation
  • SEO-копірайтинг
  • Graphic design
  • Conducting promotional campaigns
  • Knowledge of video editors
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Job description

Join Traders Union as a Junior SMM Manager and become part of a dedicated team committed to providing trustworthy financial market insights. This role is crucial for amplifying our brand message, engaging with our audience, and driving community growth through social media channels. Collaborate closely with marketing specialists, content creators, and analysts to craft compelling content that resonates with traders and investors worldwide.This position offers abundant growth opportunities within our expanding company, allowing you to develop your expertise in social media strategies and digital marketing. You’ll play a vital role in shaping our online presence and contributing to our mission of guiding users towards the best trading intermediaries.What sets this role apart is the chance to work in a dynamic, diverse team primarily composed of Ukrainians and EU citizens, united by a shared passion for excellence in financial information. Join us and help elevate Traders Union to new heights!


  • You will create, schedule, and publish engaging content across multiple social media platforms to enhance Traders Union’s online presence.
  • We expect you to monitor social media channels for industry trends, competitive analysis, and potential opportunities to engage with our audience.
  • You shall collaborate closely with the marketing team to develop and implement effective social media campaigns aligned with our brand messaging.
  • You will respond promptly to comments, messages, and inquiries on social media platforms to foster community engagement and provide support.
  • We expect you to analyze social media metrics and generate reports to assess performance, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven recommendations.
  • You shall assist in developing and maintaining a social media content calendar that aligns with Traders Union’s strategic goals.
  • You will participate in brainstorming sessions to contribute creative ideas for new content types and campaign strategies.
  • We expect you to stay updated on social media best practices, emerging platforms, and digital marketing trends to ensure we remain at the forefront of the industry.


  • Content Creation: Create, schedule, and publish engaging content across various social media platforms to enhance Traders Union’s online presence.
  • Trend Monitoring: Monitor industry trends, analyze competitors, and identify opportunities for audience engagement on social media channels.
  • Collaboration with Marketing Team: Work closely with the marketing team to develop and implement effective social media campaigns aligned with our brand messaging.
  • Active Engagement: Respond promptly to comments, messages, and inquiries on social media platforms to foster community interaction and provide support.
  • Metrics Analysis: Analyze social media metrics, generate reports, and make data-driven recommendations for performance improvement.
  • Content Calendar Management: Assist in developing and maintaining a social media content calendar that aligns with Traders Union’s strategic goals.
  • Creative Ideation: Participate in brainstorming sessions to contribute creative ideas for new content types and campaign strategies.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of social media best practices, emerging platforms, and digital marketing trends to ensure Traders Union remains industry-leading.

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