Luxury Yacht Hotel

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Luxury Yacht Hotel
19 New Bridge Street,
London EC4V 6DB
United Kingdom

Due to Expansion,we are seeking qualified candidates with the
knowledge, skills and attitude, passion for excellence and quality
service, who will fill the following vacant position below:

*Mate Engineer
*First Mate
*2nd Engineer
*2nd/3rd Officer
*Customer Care Representatives
*Guest Room Attendants
*Head Housekeepers

All candidates are expected to possess professional qualification
appropriate for each position and demonstrate quality work experience
in an international hotel, yacht or shipping

company.Remuneration range from 5,000.00 Great British Pounds to
10,000.00 Great British Pounds Monthly.

Applicant should send an application letter and their detailed
CV/RESUME, A passport photograph and current remunerations to the
recruiting Officer Mr  Paul  Robinson via e-mail
([email protected])

Human Resource Department.
Luxury Yacht Hotel

There are currently no posted jobs.

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