Вакансії з перевагою ветеранам за категоріями
Thank you for Ukraine!
We currently have 3055 jobs, which are open to veterans.
- Accounting & auditing153
- Administration & middle management242
- Agriculture & agribusiness36
- Beauty, fitness & sports24
- Construction & architecture229
- Culture, music & entertainment19
- Design & creativity59
- Education & science67
- Finance & banking104
- Hotels, restaurants & tourism135
- HR & personnel management51
- Insurance4
- IT, computers & Internet212
- Journalism, publishing & printing58
- Legal32
- Logistics, warehouse & international commerce385
- Marketing, advertising & PR135
- Medicine & pharmaceuticals142
- Real estate10
- Retail236
- Sales & procurement347
- Secretarial, clerical & administrative assistants86
- Security & guarding359
- Service sector317
- Skilled trades & manufacturing764
- Telecommunications221
- Transportation & auto industry435
- Upper & senior management32