2045 candidates last 3 months

Оксана, 40 years, Oleksandriia
Higher education · Full-time
Education: 01.2015 - 01.2022: "Правоохоронна діяльність" та "Право" (Академія Державної пенітенціарної служби, Чернігів)....
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- Діловод , 15000 UAH, Oleksandriia, 6 days ago
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Hidden, Remote
Unfinished higher education
Education: 01.2022 - 01.2026: Факультет компʼютерний наук та технологій, Кібербезпека (Державний університет "Київський Авіаційний Інститут")....
Serhii, 21 years, Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv
Unfinished higher education
Education: 01.2021 - 01.2025: 121, Software Engineering (Kharkiv National University of Radio Electrotics)....
Руслан, 48 years, Remote
Higher education · Part-time
- Солдат, ЗСУ, 2 years
- File
Hidden, Remote
Yehor OSINT-INVESTIGATION Summary Personal Info Hi there! It`s a short CV about my experience in OSINT area. Two years ago i started to explore all things that lay under and above our usual internet sur ng...
Вячеслав, 19 years, Remote
- Data processing specialist, Ecentria Solutions Odessa, 9 months
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- Customer support representative , Remote, 1 month ago
- File
Bogdan, 21 years, Odesa
BOHDAN KIIKO EXPERIENCE About Me I'm a programmer and designer, Кравченко А.С., ФЛП specializing in 3D modeling and Motion designer video editing. I'm 20 years old and 2020 - 2022 dedicated to my craft. As...
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- Дизайнер інтер'єру , Remote, 8 months ago
Віталіна, Kharkiv
Higher education · Part-time
- Інженер кол центру, Харківобленерго, АТ, 4 years 9 months
14 000 UAH
Олеся, 40 years, Kharkiv
Higher education · Part-time
- Адміністратор, Хостел, 10 months