Resume from March 4, 2024


Junior Python Developer

Full-time, part-time.
19 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Lviv, Remote

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Національний університет "Львівська Політехніка"

Інститут комп'ютерних технологій, автоматики та метрології, спеціальність: "Кібербезпека"
Unfinished higher, from 2022 to 2026 (4 years)

Knowledge and skills

Python Django GitHub SQL SQLite Git HTML CSS Знання принципів ООП PostgreSQL Django Rest Framework Docker REST MySQL JavaScript Користувач ОС Linux Адміністрування ОС Linux BASH Стресостійкість Самостійність C# Tkinter Celery Redis Beautiful Soup Python Requests GraphQL Selenium Cisco Packet Tracer Wireshark Bootstrap VS Code PyCharm Неконфліктність Docker Compose Зосередженість Уважність

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — average

Additional information

I am a Python developer with 1 year of experience, living in Lviv.I am
actively exploring Python, particularly its libraries and frameworks.I
developed web and desktop applications .

My experience spans a range of projects, including:

-web applications using Django, DRF, Django Ninja,
-desktop applications with Tkinter,CustomTkinter and GTK,
-Telegram bots using aiogram2,
-web scraping powered by BeautifulSoup and Selenium,
-programming microcontrollers with MicroPython,
-automation scripts.

My skill set extends to basic DevOps capabilities, including:
-deploying Django project on PythonAnyWhere,
-deploying Telegram bots using Docker and daemon processes,
-writing Bash scripts for backup purposes.

I have non-commercial teamwork experience on 2 projects:

-Web Developer - my task was writing a technical specification and developing a small
web application on Django templates.

-DevOps - a humorous quiz bot with coverage up to 300 people.I deployed the
Telegram bot on a VPS, created deamon files, Docker files, Bash scripts and managed
the project repository on GitHub.


-Chess Forum - a specialized forum where users can make posts, chatting in real-time, create discussions for other users to respond to, and manage their data in a
personal profile.

Technology stack: Python, Django, Django REST framework, Django Channels, Docker,
PostgreSQL, Celery, Redis.

Project link:

-Linux System Monitor - a console/overlay program for screen recording and
monitoring system resources, including CPU and GPU load, CPU and GPU
frequency, available RAM, available disk space and, if run on a laptop, battery charge.

Technology stack: Python, Tkinter, CustomTkinter, ffmpeg, pyautogui, scrot, psutil

Project link:

-Django A.I. Site - a specialized chatGPT clone that uses davinci-003 with the ability
to save requests and distribute them.

Technology stack: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Docker.

Project link:

Other projects involving JavaScript, C, MicroPython, BeautifulSoup4, Selenium and
more can be found on my GitHub account:

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