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Unity developer

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Ready to work:
Kharkiv, Kyiv

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C#/Unity Developer
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
8 September 1999
GitHub https://github.com/EdwardBogdan
Discord stas.


SEO Digital Marketing INTELECTUAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS Sep 2019 - May 2022
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv

C# "Organization of transportation and Sep 2016 - May 2019
management of vehicles"
Kupyansk Motor Transport Colledge, Kupyansk

Dispatcher Consultant 2020 - 2021
Self employed, Kharkiv
SEO Digital Marketing 2019 - 2020
Self employed, Kharkiv
Windows Office


LANGUAGES Honesty Responsibility

English Diligence and organization Ethics and loyalty

Punctuality Flexibility
Skill to work in team Adaptation

Russian Stress resistance

All the skills I have acquired through self-education. This approach has allowed me to
Developing my own projects actively explore various topics and develop my professional skills independently of
based on "Unity". One of them formal training. I am constantly learning new technologies, methods and tools to stay up
can be seen on the github to date with the latest trends and best practices in my field. Self-education helps me to
repository be a flexible and adaptive professional, able to solve various tasks and overcome the
challenges of the modern labor market. I am sure that my self-organization, the desire
for self-improvement and active self-education will allow me to successfully apply the
acquired skills and achieve high results in any project or team. Also, if necessary, I am
ready to master other necessary programming languages and technologies. I have a
strong analytical mind and the ability to quickly learn new material, so I am confident
that I can quickly adapt to new technologies and programming languages. I am always
open to learning new tools and approaches as I believe that continuous learning and
development are key elements to success in the information technology industry.

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