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Unity developer

32 years
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Denys Vorobiov
Unity Game Developer
I am very motivated to develop in the game industry. After years of playing games, the final chord
was to start developing them. I will do it if I work for a company or if I am an independent
developer. I've been looking for myself for a long time, and now I've found it, I'm not afraid to make
mistakes, because we learn from mistakes, we also learn from other people's mistakes, but in most
cases only from our own: )

Contact Experience as Unity Game Developer
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Courses Unity Game Developer by Robotdreams
Diploma work
linkedin Diplom_The_Goblin_Slayer
Email I was developing a 3D game based on the world of the Goblin Slayer
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
anime. I used a third-person camera, I used Unity Cinemachine. The
Address game was developed with OOP and SOLID in mind. In development, I
Ukraine, Odesa. worked with Prefabs, UI/UX, developed State Machines for transitions
between scenes and reused them for enemy and NPC states. I worked
with Rigidbody physics, made arrows with ballistic trajectory, and
Education added Ragdolls to enemies. I learned how to work with Unity animator
and other people's animations quite well, and had to edit and customize
them myself. I used free assets in the Unity store. I stored static data in
Junior Bachelor
ScriptableObject, these were objects and their characteristics that the
Novokakhovka Instrument-Making
player could pick up on stage and put in the inventory, and Prefabs and
College / Maintenance of computer
systems and networks settings were also stored there. The Singleton pattern was used to
access this data. Implemented a system of levels and character bonuses.
Developed an energy system that was used for certain player actions.
Unity Game Developer
The game has an inventory with currency that can be spent in the store.
Courses Unity Game Developer by
I am also learning to debug my code better.

Other experience
Soft Skills
09.2020 to now
Team work.
Company - NDA
Communication Position - data labeling assessor (contractor, individual entrepreneur).
Flexibility Data partitioning in machine learning. Adding tags to raw data to show
the machine learning model the target attributes (responses) it should
predict. A label or tag is a descriptive element that tells the model what
Adaptability an individual data item is so that it can learn from it. For example, let's
say the model needs to predict music genres. In this case, the training
Willingness to learn dataset would consist of many songs labelled pop, jazz, rock, and so on.

Critical thinking
Types of work to be performed.
Individual approach to people Data annotation. This is the main part of the whole process. I examine
the data and add labels to it. In this way, I add meaningful context that
the model can use as a ground truth - the target variables that the
model should predict. For example, these could be labels in an image
that describe the objects captured in the image.
Quality Control, Image and video markup for computer vision tasks,

Hard Skills Image Classification, Semantic segmentation, Key Point Annotation,
Text markup for natural language processing tasks, Classification of
Fixing of the bugs text, Annotation of emotional content, Topic categorization,
Categorization of language, Entity Annotation, Extracting and tagging
C# Unity 3D, 2D key phrases or words, Part-of-Speech tagging (Part-of-Speech, POS),
Entity linking, Audio partitioning for speech recognition tasks.

10.2015 to 07.2017
Unity Animator Company - COMFY (consumer electronics retail).
Unity Animations Position - IT Specialist
Setup, and further maintenance of client equipment (installation of
operating systems and software). Smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, PCs,
Visual Studio/Rider laptops, smartwatch, etc. Training salespeople to sell services. Sales
Cold and hot selling assistance. Personal involvement in sales.

Network setup and repair 10.2013 to 08.2015
Company - Triolan (Internet service provider).
Position - Internet installation technician.
Network repair and maintenance, Network equipment repair and
maintenance, Network and fiber optic laying, Fiber optic welding,
Remote subscriber assistance, Repair and configuration of subscriber

Language 11.2011 to 09.2013

English A2 Company - Technopolis Ltd.(consumer electronics retail).
Position - Sales consultant.
Ukrainian C1
Advising customers on the assortment of the store.
Customer service in accordance with the standards of company service.
Consultation and sale of additional accessories and services
Decorating the sales area in accordance with the merchandising
concept of the store. Observing and controlling the sanitary condition
of the sales area.

05.2010 to 04.2011

Company - “Novostroy Lux” TOV (Construction materials).
Position - Sales consultant.
Sales consultant of furniture and decor department.
Consultation on goods. Decorating the sales area in accordance with
the concept of merchandising of the store.
Registration of orders for goods, Compliance and control of the sanitary
condition of the sales area.

Play games on PC and Sony PlayStation.
I play MMOs and shooters on my PC. On the PlayStation, I play story-
based games. I like to cook, most of all Japanese dishes. I like watching
anime, walking, travelling, doing some sports, collecting action figures.
Cryptocurrency mining. Investment. Music.

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