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Full stack програміст

23 years
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Artem Zhurbei Summary
I am a full stack web developer competent in areas such as
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
responsive web design with Typescript/Javascript. My
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) philosophy is to innovate, make it beautiful and robust. As
such my values are in object-oriented and functional
Berdichev, Urkaine
programming techniques in Typescript/Javascript to achieve
Github rich results in application logic and design.
Professional Experience
Internship, front-end developer, Infopulse
January 2023 – February 2023
Hard skills We created our own design system like material ui

Technologies: Typescript, React, material ui, scss.

NestJS | JS / TS | MySql | Postgres
Internship, back-end developer, ChatbotsStudio
| TypeORM | HTML | CSS |
July 2021 – October 2021
React | OOP
Created a database schema and then implemented it in code

using typeORM, later rewritten with knex. Creating
Soft skills middleware to compare the authorization token with the
token lying in env. Creating a method of withdrawing
Adaptive | Critical thinking | Active participants with pagination.
Technologies: Typescript, typeORM, knex, validator,
listening | Patience | Learning

ability and trainability
Project experience
Expense tracker
English - Intermediate Ukrainian - Group project where you can track your incomes and
expenses.My task was create donut and connect profile
Native setting, logout to redux
Education Front end: react, redux, axios, recharts.
GitHub: link
Software engineering / Master
Degree, Contact book
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University Simple site that demonstrate my react skills.
September 2019 – January 2025 Technologies:
Front end: react, redux. js, css, html, mui,styled component
Bootcamp Full Stack Developer, Go-IT GitHub: link
September 2023 – February 2024
Task pro
This site like Trello, In this project I created boards, cards,
columns services/models/schedule, fixes some bugs in back
end. At front end I created forgive and reset password and fix
bugs which was in sidebar.
Front end: react, redux, js, css, html, axios.
Back end: express, mongoose, jwt, nodemailer
Front end: link
Back end: link

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