
QA engineer

36 years

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Additional information

Purpose:Tester in IT company

Family status: Single.

Qualifications:Selenium IDE 1.2.0, MS SQL Server 2008, C#(beginner), AutoCAD, SolidWorks.

Languages:Russian, Ukrainian, English (Intermediate).


July 2011 – till today Self-education: study of technical literature on software testing, creation of automated tests with Selenium IDE, black and grey box testing.

September 2010 – February 2011 "TUV Nord DIEKS" department of project management, technical specialist for AutoCAD.
•creation of drawings (AutoCAD);
•preparation of project documentation;
•preparation of technical documentation for the pipeline (the passport).

October 2009 – July 2011 National Mining University, graduate department of mining machinery and engineering, specialty - the dynamics and strength of machines.
•maintenance of scientific activity;
•the publication of scientific articles;
•teaching at the National Mining University.


2007 – 2010National Mining University, specialty "Finances and Credit" (evening). Diploma.

2008 – 2009National Mining University, the direction of training - "Engineering", qualification -"mining engineer - mechanic," specialty - "Mining machines" (full-time department). Master's degree with honors.

2004 – 2008 National Mining University, the direction of training - "Engineering", qualification - "junior mining engineer - mechanic," (full-time department). Bachelor's degree with honors.


February 2011 – June 2011English School “Green forest”, Intermediate.

February 2010 – June 2010English School “Green forest”, Pre-Intermediate.

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