
Carpenter, woodworker, furniture maker, 40 000 UAH

50 years
Other countries

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Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Windows

Language proficiencies

  • Polish — average
  • Russian — fluent
  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — beginner

Additional information

Vitaliy Shturin
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Furniture industry
1) Design (computer modeling)
2) Development and calculations of materials and their cost
3) Furniture manufacturing
4) Furniture mounting and assembly
Good knowledge of Windows XP, Windows 7, Microsoft Office, and furniture programs (including installation and configuration)
Carpenter, woodworker, mechanic, plumber, and do-it-all expert
Able to operate virtually all types of handheld electric tools, as well as wood-working and metal-working machines.
Work experience:
Furniture10 years (most recent)
Ironworker3 years
Carpenter4 years
Recent workplaces: Dubina Private Enterprise, Service firm, Vector firm
Graduated from the Kherson Polytechnic College, majoring in Internal Combustion Engines; Bachelor of Science degree.
Served in the Ukrainian Army, Signal Corps (Odessa Military Installation), 1993-1995
Available for work in any area related to construction, assembling, and manufacturing

tel. [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

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