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Civil Engineer, Project, Cost Manager, Construction consultant, 42 000 UAH


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Work experience

Civil Engineer

from 03.2015 to now (9 years 6 months)
Real estate

Engineering, Design Consult, Project Supervisor, Source Inspector

Project Manager

from 07.2009 to 08.2014 (5 years 1 month)
Piraeus Bank ICB (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Supervises the construction in complexes that are given from clients to be
financed by the Bank, which contains:
- Control of compliance of construction progress with approved budget,
correction of budget during construction process
- Analysis of compliance of scope of performed construction and mounting
works with works indicated in the certificates of completion
- Quality evaluation of performed works after site inspections
- Control of compliance of performed works with design documentation
- Drafting of reports with conclusions and recommendations
- Drafts, supervises and performs the contract budget per each project
- Manages and supervises the electrical and mechanical part of the designs
- Manages and supervises the construction of the new branches and renovation
of the operating ones
- Controls, completes technical studies, issues, implements timeframes for new
branches & renovation of operating branches
- Drafts bills, implements quality & quantity controls, measures work, proposes
final expenditure for approval.
- Manages and monitors all the documents necessary for obtaining all the
permits, from all the authorities, for the operation of the new branches
- Performs the reception of the projects, equipments and goods from all the
- Provides accurate, updated and objective information regarding the stages of
the projects

Project Manager

from 04.2007 to 01.2009 (1 year 9 months)
Gleeds - Ukraine, Kyiv (International construction consultants)

Dialogue with clients of all categories.

Project and Cost Management.
Due Diligence.
Project Monitoring (control of expenditure of proceeds of credit for bank).
Red Flag Report
Preparation for carrying out of tenders.
Carrying out tech-economic analysis, a complex substantiation of accepted and realised decisions, the analysis of risks.
Preparation for carrying out of tenders.

-Office-centre 30 000 м2 – project monitoring
-Logistics park 40 Hectares – technical audit of the project
-Motor show with offices 6 000 м2 - project monitoring
-Office-trade-centre 49 000 м2 - technical audit of the project
-Consultations on selection of office building for the euro-company

Civil Engineer

from 07.2004 to 04.2007 (2 years 9 months)
Slav - Invest, Kyiv (Project Management, Engineering and General contract works.)


• Technical support of all construction contracts.
• Dialogue with clients of all categories.
• Carrying out tech - economic analysis, a complex substantiation of accepted and realised decisions.
• Preparation for carrying out of tenders.
• Research of possibility of reducing the cycle of works (services), assistance in preparation of process of their performance, maintenance of divisions of the company with necessary specifications, documents, materials.
• Drawing up of schedules of jobs, orders, demands, instructions, explanatory notes, maps, schemes and other engineering specifications, the established reporting under the confirmed forms and in certain terms.
• Compliance with the requirements of existing rules, regulations and standards.

Object: reconstruction of cigarette factory "B.A.T.-Pryluky" – 16 000 м2 the new areas.
• Management of the Project. Functions of the Customer-Developer.
• Realisation on behalf of the customer of technical supervision of building and finishing works execution. Acceptance of the finished units from the Contractor.
• Monitoring of execution of plans of construction works, conformity of volumes, terms and quality of civil and mechanical works. Also quality of applied materials, products, designs, working drawings, building norms and rules, standards, specifications, norms of health and safety.
• Participation in consideration and the coordination of changes of design decisions arising during building, the operative decision of questions on replacement in need of materials, products, designs.

MANUFACTURER of JOBS (site manager of re-planning and finishing works)
Objects: Manage on site re-planning, finishing and decorating works of office premises of "Bavaria-Wolteks", IC «Samson», «Tarkett», the VIP apartments;

• Supervise production - economic activity at the site.

• Enforcement of production targets for bringing the facility into operation on time construction-finishing works and commissioning of all quantitative and qualitative indicators in accordance with the requirements.

• Maintenance of observance of technological compliance of manufacture building and finishing works on object.

• Conducting the account of the executed jobs, engineering specifications registration.

• Given to foreman targets on their construction, finishing and services works. Control of their performance.

• Preparation of front of jobs for the subcontract (specialised) organisations and acceptance of executed jobs from them.

Job during free time from study for building of a network of restaurants

from 06.1998 to 05.2004 (5 years 11 months)
Slav - Invest, Kyiv (General Contract works)

Fast-food McDonalds – "Pavlovskiy" Kharkov; "Pobedy", «Krasniy kamen’» Dnepropetrovsk; «Moskovskaja Ploshad’» Kiev.

• Design-budget department. Calculation of amounts of works. The design and executive documentation.
• The assistant to the construction supervisor. Conducting the account of the executed jobs. The quantity control.
• Geodetic practice. The control of marks of heights. The installation control of column.
• Member of a brigade of electroassemblers. Installation of networks of an electric lighting and an electric equipment.
• Member of a brigade of sanitary technicians. Installation of networks of plumbing and sanitary.


Kiev Institute of Investment Management

"The management of organizations", Quality Manager , Spesialist, Kyiv
Higher, from 2004 to 2005 (11 months)

Kharkiv State University of Construction and Architecture

Construction. Civil Enginner., Kharkiv
Higher, from 1999 to 2004 (4 years 9 months)

work tickets in Ukraine

Additional education and certificates

Prodject Managment, Spider Project

2004, 48h

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Windows
  • AutoCAD
  • Зодчий
  • Конструкции и инж. сети зданий и сооружений (ПГС)
  • Организация и технология строительного производства и материалы
  • Работа с нормативной документацией
  • Разрешительно-согласовательная документация
  • Project & Cost managment
  • Ведения нескольких проектов одновременно.
  • Расчетные программы и др. профильное ПО.
  • PC User
  • MS Project
  • Spider Project

Language proficiencies

English — average

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