
Junior Java-разработчик (стажёр)

Full-time, part-time.
31 years

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Additional information

Khaliukova Alyona
Date of birth: 09.06.1993.
tel.: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
е-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
skype: alena_halukova
2010-2014 – Customs Academy, Bachelor degree (with honor), Department of Information and transport systems and technologies, specialty "Computer sciences".
2014-2015 – University of Customs and Finance, Master's degree, Department of Information and transport systems and technologies, specialty "Information Control Systems and Technologies".
Professional Experience
October 2014 – January 2015 – Logos corp. , Distribution direction «Drink distribution system», database analyst.
Worked on the introduction of the project of mobile sales from the client side;

International languages:
English: intermediate.
Professional skills:

Basic programming skills: Java Core, C++;
Knowledge of OOP principles;
Skills to work with databases: SQL, PL/SQL;
Experience of using SVN;
Basic skills with Unix systems;
Acquainted with XML.

Personal characteristics:
Responsible, honest, analytical mind, attentive, able to learn quickly.

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