
Программист PHP

Full-time, part-time.
43 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kharkiv, Remote

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Work experience


from 01.2014 to now (10 years 8 months)
Программист, Харьков (IT)

* Back-end: PHP 5/7 (Symfony 2/3/4, Laravel 5, Zend 2)

* Front-end: JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Material, Foundation

* Restful API, Google API, Amazon API, Zendesk API, etc.

* Payment systems: PayPal, Stripe, Elavon, Saferpay.

* DBMS: MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite

* LAMP/LEMP/WAMP, Docker, Virtual Box, Vagrant, Redmine, Jira, Basecamp, Mantis, Git, SVN

* OOP, design patterns (MVC etc.).

* Great skills in integration of different systems (1С, DBMS, web-sites, hardware and software systems)

* Great skills in development of ERP/CRM systems, booking systems

* C, C#, Python, PL/SQL, Visual Basic, 1C 7.7, 8.x

* Technical and business analysis, project management



Компьютерные системы и сети, Харьков
Higher, from 1998 to 2003 (5 years)

Language proficiencies

English — above average

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