

35 years

Contact information

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Work experience


from 06.2017 to now (7 years 3 months)
MAZARS Ukraine, Львов (Company specializing in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services)

•Costs statistical reports
•Accrual of salaries to employees
•Conducting a Cash book
•Acquiring operations
•Tax invoices for realization, further registration in the system
•Preparation of payment orders in the client-bank
•Cash-flow report - monthly

Accountant to provide services

from 10.2016 to 05.2017 (7 months)
SAV Service, Львов (Dustribution Company)

Security contributions marketing services
Drafting of relevant documents, document processing, drawing up marketing reports.


from 09.2012 to 09.2016 (4 years)
Private entrepreneur Repyak V. S., Стрый (Distribution Company)

keeping record according to standards documents of the Bank; business correspondence (sometimes English). Accounting (including transportation spending in company) movement of money, preparation of documents for tender’s auction, control by incoming and outgoing documents in company.


from 05.2011 to 09.2012 (1 year 4 months)
Private entrepreneur V. F. Salabay, Стрый (Distribution Company)

Work with documentation (internal and external document), the reception and distribution of telephone calls (PBX), translation of documents in English (with a dictionary), planning and organization of meetings, keeping cash costs for the company.

Computer operator

from 10.2009 to 05.2010 (7 months)
Private entrepreneur Prytula Y. B., Стрый (Distribution Company)

keeping documents netting with customers, sales reporting and analysis products for ... banking payments "Client Bank"., Conducting internal company documents.


Lviv SAK

Production manager, Львов
Higher, from 2006 to 2009 (2 years 8 months)

Additional education and certificates

Accounting courses. Lviv

2014 (6 mounth)

CAP international accountant courses. Lviv


Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Client-Bank
  • 1C v7; 1C v8

Language proficiencies

English — average

Additional information

Professional skills
Documentation in full, business correspondence.
Control incoming and outgoing documents.
Keeping transport costs in the enterprise.
Knowledge of regulatory, methodological guidelines for operating and accounting and financial reporting.
Experience in data collection and processing.
Work with the financial statements of the company.

• English - Intermediate
• PC - experienced user (full package MS Office, navigate the Internet, reference and information program).
• Knowledge of accounting. 7 1C and 1C version 8.
• Knowledge of office equipment ( copier, fax, printer, scanner).

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