Resume from January 29, 2024 PRO


Java Developer (Big Data)

36 years

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Work experience

Big data engineer

from 05.2020 to 01.2022 (1 year 8 months)
EPAM, Київ (IT)

Projects examples:
Project 1:
Project Role: Software Developer
Tasks performed:
Provided support and further development of existing data mesh solutions.
Amazon AWS, microservices.

Project 2:
Project Role: Big Data Engineer
Tasks performed:
Provided performance analysis of the existing on-premise solution.
Migrated pipelines to different on-premise setup along with some optimisations and development.
Investigated pro et contra possible on cloud migration
Oozie, HDFS, Hive, Spark, scala.

Project 3:
Project Role: Big Data / Google Cloud Developer
Tasks performed:
Developed dataproc + pyspark etl scripts
created cloud functions
workflow templates
provided simple testing
GCP AI platform, DataPrep, DataFlow, DataProc, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, CloudSQL

Project 4:
Project Role: Developer
Tasks performed:
Developing PoC for on the fly API generation
Java, Kafka, Spring, Rest API

Big data engineer

from 05.2017 to 06.2020 (3 years 1 month)
TrafficDNA, Київ (IT)

Tasks performed:
Implemented (working with team) the project backend:
- web applications (http endpoints)
- communications between services via Kafka messaging
- processing data with Spark and writing it to hdfs (Impala, Hbase) and MySQL db
Performed deployment of the applications on both test and production environments
Provided mentorship for team members.
Java, Amazon AWS (ec2, s3, rds), Kafka,
HDFS, YARN, Spark, Impala, HBase, MySQL

Web software engineer

from 06.2014 to 06.2017 (3 years), Київ (IT)

Tasks performed:
Developing advanced database driven ecommerce websites.
Developing User Interface functionality.
Working on billing systems (paypal, worldpay, sagepay, etc.) integration.
Data conversion, creating api clients, parsers, etc.
Provided mentorship for team members.

PHP developer

from 03.2013 to 06.2014 (1 year 3 months), Київ (IT)

Working on a large scale ecommerce aggregator website.
mysql tuning (sql queries optimization, building indexes, views), caching integration.
Developing complex search functionality (based on Apache Solr engine), horizontal scaling, sophisticated queries, websites integration.
Developing different administration side tools and interfaces.

Full stack software engineer

from 07.2012 to 03.2013 (8 months), Київ (IT)

Tasks performed:
Developing many different types of web interfaces including company internal tools.


КНУ им. Т .Шевченко

Механико-математический, Киев
Higher, from 2004 to 2009 (4 years 10 months)

Additional education and certificates

Разработка веб сервиса на Java (часть 1)

2016, 6 місяців.

Разработка веб сервиса на Java (часть 2)

2016, 6 місяців.

Алгоритмы: теория и практика

2016, 6 місяців.

Основы статистики

2017, 6 місяців.

Введение в архитектуру ЭВМ. Элементы операционных систем.

2016, 6 місяців.

Knowledge and skills

MySQL Git Java Core Java IO / NIO, Concurrency, Collections Java Servlets, Spring (Core, Data, Webmvc), JDBC, Hibernate ORM JUnit, spring-test JavaScript ES5-7, jQuery, AngularJS, Node.js (MEAN stack) Apache Solr Linux setup and common administration tasks Algorithms and data structures (common) Basic statistics and machine learning technologies Mockito Apache Spark Hibernate Hive HBase Hadoop Big Data Spring Framework Java SQL Spring Boot Knowledge of OOP principles Apache Kafka High-load AWS Google Cloud Platform NoSQL ETL

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent
  • English — average

Additional information

10 years in software development.
5+ years as Java / Big Data dev.
Strong at JVM languages as well as scripting languages: JS, Python, Bash, etc.
Hands-on experience with Big Data stack (Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, etc) and cloud technologies (AWS, GCP).
I also have some domain knowledge in e-commerce and online advertising (these are businesses domains I've mostly worked with as Software Dev.)

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