
Телохранитель, 50 000 UAH

53 years

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Work experience

Driver and Safety Officer

from 01.2009 to 01.2015 (6 years)
Sanitary and Social Affairs of Yvelines, Versailles (Sanitary and social affairs)


Lycee Charlemagne

Economics, Paris
Higher, from 1984 to 1989 (4 years 9 months)

Additional education and certificates

27th Battalion of the Alpine Hunters - Annecy – Sniper


CAP Prevention and Security Officer (ERP1 – IGH1)


Bodyguard training at Disneyland – Paris


Language proficiencies

  • French — advanced
  • English — advanced
  • Spanish — average
  • Italian — average

Additional information

Nationality: French
Marital status: Not married
Driving license: Yes
First aid certificate: Yes

Since 2009: Driver and Safety Officer of the Departmental Director of the Sanitary and Social Affairs of Yvelines – Versailles
2006: Driver of the Deputy / President of ANDRA (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management)
2005: Driver of the Director of the airport of - A.D.P. (Paris Airport)
2002-2004: Security officer of the Deputy Mayor in charge of culture - Paris City Hall
-Conveyor and guard (passage of euro) - Valiance Trust Company (Arcueil)
-Security officer of communication agents of the White House-Alliance
-Protocol driver of the Queen of Thailand, Her Majesty Sikirit - ILS.
2001: Driver and bodyguard of the director of the bank SARADAR – Paris
-Driver of the president of the group ELIOR / AVENANCE
-Driver of the president of the group NESTLE - Service Affairs Paris
1996: Fox Trot – Paris:
-Security driver of the US secret services (G7 Lyon)
-Protection of VIPs (Woopy GOLDBERG, Jeremy IRONS, Steven SEAGALL, Jean-Claude VAN DAMME, Ophelie WINTER, Claudia SCHIEFFER, Lenny KRAVITZ, …)
1993-1995: Security Officer – Sony Music – Paris
1995-2004: Driver and bodyguard of Vice President of NBC (Roland Garros) OSCAR- Paris

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