
Front-end программист, верстальщик, 8 000 UAH

27 years

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Work experience

junior frontend

from 05.2017 to 10.2017 (5 months)
Clique.digital, Київ (IT)

Верстка шаблонов. Дизайн страниц. Работа с drupal



ФТИ, Мат. методы защиты информации, Київ
Unfinished higher, from 2014 to 2019 (4 years 9 months)

Knowledge and skills

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Office
  • MS Word
  • CSS
  • MS Excel
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Adobe
  • MS Access
  • C++
  • Програмування
  • Python

Additional information

- NTUU " KPI named after I gor Sikorsky" Physical-Technical I nstitute ( PTI), 3rd year student i n t he specialty " Mathematical methods of i nformation protection"
Technical skills:
• Template engines - PugJS, Twig
• CSS preprocessors - SASS, SCSS • Git
• npm, Gulp
• SCRUM Methodology
• JavaScript, ES6, j Query
• React + Redux ( beginner)
• Vue.js ( beginner)
• CMS : Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal;
Additional skills:
• Adobe Photoshop, Adobe I llustrator, Sketch, Figma
• Docker
• SVG, SVG Animations, p5.js
• Responsive Web Design, Adaptive Web Design, Mobile First • Python2.7 / Python3
• BeautifulSoup4, Selenium Webdriver, PhantomJS
Work experience:
1. Junior Front-end Developer / Web Designer at Clique.digital ( jun 2017 – oct 2017) In my duties i ncluded page l ayout, design development, work with Drupal and Wordpress. We used SCRUM development methodology, Git, npm.
2. Freelancing f or 2 years: Design and f ront-end development ( emails, l anding pages)
Development of parsers using BeautifulfulSoup4, Selenium Webdriver, PhantomJS 3. HTML \ CSS \ Javascript Teacher at I T-Elit School ( sep 2016 – dec 2016)
• Ukrainian ( native)
• Russian ( native)
• English ( intermediate)
Last Projects: https://zsad.com.ua/ https://yachtroute.ru/ https://captain.su/ https://www.clique.digital/

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