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Гид по дайвингу (интерншип, с обучением)

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Ukraine, 39600, Kremenchuk
Poltava Region
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Kocherva Serhiy 18 September 1971

* Seeking position as a Russian/English translator;
* Dive instructor assistant.
Twelve-year experience on the interpretation of a rotary wing systems in a classroom and flightline environment
Interpreter (Russian/English)

Dive Master;
- Rescue diver;
- perfect buoyancy course SSI;
- nitrox diver course - CMAS;
- night and limited visibility;
- deep dive;
- navigation;
- 315 logged dives.

1991-1995 High Military Engineer School
Faculty: Airborne Troops
Specialty: Military Engineer

2005-2008 University of Economics and Law
Faculty: International Communication
Specialty: Rus/Eng Linguist

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