
Trainee/Junior iOS Developer

Full-time, part-time.
33 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Dnipro, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Remote, Zaporizhzhia

Contact information

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Work experience

Android Developer

from 02.2017 to 10.2017 (8 months)
Freelance, Донецк (Freelance)

Development app LoL in One for android platform from the scratch.

Was using such libraries/frameworks like :
Butterknife, Gson, FrescoImageViewer, Fresco, Glide, DiscUrlCache, Fabric (Crashlytics),
ExoPLayer and many more.

Developer iOS

from 07.2014 to 03.2015 (8 months)
Freelance, Krivoy Rog (Freelance)

My main job was to fix bugs and upgrade app (LoL in One) , was working with interface builder and create in app purchases window. Also create schedules (LoL eSport schedule), notifications, in app purchases, made 2 targets in app (free, pro versions), was working with api's such as parse.com (made "server" part as notifications sender in background methods and client part in app) + twitch api , Youtube Data api v3 (getting video data as url etc.),RIOT api (getting champion data as current game id etc.), was working with tables (schedules , options), ads as AdMob (creating interstitial and banners), parsing sites, using third-party libraries such as SWTableViewCell,HMSegmentedControl,HTMLParser and more.


Миколаївський міжрегіональний інститут розвитку людини “Україна”

Финансы и кредит, Николаев (Николаевская обл.)
Higher, from 2006 to 2011 (4 years 11 months)

Компьютерная академия ШАГ

Разработка программного обеспечения, Донецк
Higher, from 2006 to 2012 (5 years 11 months)

Language proficiencies

  • English — average
  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent

Additional information

Pidgorodetskiy Mikhail
Date of birth: 30 я 1991
Location: Kiev
Relocation: Odessa, Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk),
Kharkiv, Other countries
Phone number(s): [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Junior iOS developer
(last updated 17 к 2017)


Main: Objective C, xCode, Cocoa Touch, UIKit, Foundation, Memory Manager/ARC, OOP, GCD.
Additional: Youtube api v3, AdMob, Parse SDK, InAppPurchases ,Google Analytics.

Experience with version control system Git.


Android Developer
Feb 2017 - Oct 2017 (9 months)
IT - р зр тк
Development app LoL in One for android platform from the scratch.

Was using such libraries/frameworks like :
Butterknife, Gson, FrescoImageViewer, Fresco, Glide, DiscUrlCache, Fabric (Crashlytics),
ExoPLayer and many more.

iOS developer
Jul 2014 - Mar 2015 (9 months)
IT - р зр тк
development and support projects
LoL in One - is the mobile app base on League of Legends online game.
App Store link:

D2 in One - similar to LoL in One but for Dota2 (developed based on LoL in One)
App Store link:

My main job was to fix bugs and upgrade app (LoL in One) , was working with interface
builder and create in app purchases window. Also create schedules (LoL eSport
schedule), notifications, in app purchases, made 2 targets in app (free, pro versions), was
working with api's such as parse.com (made "server" part as notifications sender in
background methods and client part in app) + twitch api , Youtube Data api v3 (getting
video data as url etc.),RIOT api (getting champion data as current game id etc.), was
working with tables (schedules , options), ads as AdMob (creating interstitial and banners),
parsing sites, using
third-party libraries such as SWTableViewCell,HMSegmentedControl,HTMLParser.


STEP Computer Academy (Donetsk)
End date 2012
Software development bachelor

Language skills

English - intermediate
Russian - native
I can be interviewed in this language
Ukrainian - native
I can be interviewed in this language

Additional Information

About myself
Don't have bad habits (drinking, smoking), goal oriented, responsible, fast learner.

Learn, work and become expert in the field of iOS Development.

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