
Python-программист (Django)

Full-time, part-time.
30 years

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Work experience


from 03.2016 to now (8 years 6 months)
js-tuning.com.ua, Киев (Тюнинг авто)

Настройка контекстной рекламы, продвижение и раскрутка сайта. Оптимизация и интеграции с нужными сервисами.


Український Державний Університет Фінансів та Міжнародної Торгівлі

Компьютерные науки, Киев
Higher, from 2013 to 2017 (3 years 8 months)

Additional education and certificates

Prog.kiev.ua Front-End Developer (HTML, CSS, JS)


Knowledge and skills

  • Python
  • Django
  • GitHub
  • Google Shopping
  • Внутрішня оптимізація сайту
  • webpack
  • Зовнішня оптимізація
  • Контентна оптимізація
  • Реклама в пошуку
  • Ремаркетінг
  • Банерна реклама

Language proficiencies

  • English — beginner
  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent

Additional information

## My skills
* English A1 (simple speak)
* Python 3 (OOP and functional)
* Django (DRF, DjDT, Pylint, PyTest)
* Selenium
* Webpack (s[ac]ss and less to css and watch devserver)
* Postman (CRUD requests)
* AWS(Lambda, DynamoDB)
* HTML/CSS/JS (VanilaJS :D)
* Git/GitHub
* Google Adwords sertifications: basic, searching and media
* Google webmaster, analytics, tag manager
* Search Engine Optimisation
* A little: SQL, jQuery, React, Angular, Vue, DataBase Design, Android, Java,
ER diagram
* In university: Engineering high load systems and Delphi
* Used Terminal and SublimeText 3 plus Package Controll. Not VScode or PyCharm, but last maybe in future

## About me
* ``2005`` - create my first business(homework)
* ``2008`` - improved family business
* ``2016`` - leave from university (because program is very old)
* ``2016`` - created my first «game», in HTML/CSS/JS (VanillaJS :D)
* ``2021`` - created site ap-i-code.com
* ``2022`` - start created my first CRM and her first modul «Online warehouse»

- 👀 I’m interested new technology in programming language
- 🔝 I’m currently learning ``«Serious Python: Black-Belt Advice on Deployment, Scalability, Testing, and More»``
- ⚽️ I love: football, Harley Davidson: Night Rod, fishing, mountains and silence

**Atrejo Dream** 02.07.2022

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