Personal information hidden

This job seeker decided to hide his personal information and contact info, but you can send a message to him or suggest a job to him.

This job seeker has chosen to hide his personal information and contact info. You can contact him using this page: https://www.work.ua/resumes/4857585/


Full-time, part-time.

Contact information

This job seeker has hidden his personal information, but you can send him a message or suggest a job to him if you open his contact info.

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Work experience


from 08.2017 to 02.2018 (6 months)
ТОВ "Явір-2000", Рівне (Охорона, безпека, оборона)

Бандажувальник виробничого цеху

from 05.2014 to 08.2014 (3 months)
ТзОВ "Кромберг енд Шуберт", Луцьк (Масове виробництво)

Механік з обслуговування виробничого обладнання

from 06.2012 to 02.2014 (1 year 8 months)
ПІІ "МакДональдс", Рівне (Торгівля)


ДПТНЗ "Славутський професійний ліцей

Слюсар з ремонту автомобілів, Славута
Specialized secondary, from 2008 to 2011 (3 years)

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — average
  • Russian — average
  • English — beginner

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