
Healthcare program manager, 40 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
49 years

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Work experience

Program Manager, Fundraiser

from 05.2019 to 01.2021 (1 year 8 months)
Non-governmental organization "Era of Mercy", Odesa (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Managing fundraising activities based on strategic plan of the organization;
•Developing concepts of the innovative humanitarian projects;
•Writing applications for international donors;
•Developing reports to the donors;
•Managing pilot projects focused on innovative approaches and operational researches.
- Successful application for 100 000 euro grant;
- 2 grants for operational research to launch innovative programs;

Consultant for “Access to Treatment and Intellectual Property” project

from 10.2017 to 10.2018 (1 year)
European and Central Asian Union of PLWHAs (ECUO)2017 - 2018 Consultant for “Access to Treatment and Intellectual Property”, Kyiv (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Expert review of the report “Access to Treatment and Implementation of the TRIPS flexibilities in national legislation in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus”.
•Establishing working groups on IP and Access to Treatment in Georgia, Belarus and Moldova as part of advocacy work to prevent TRIPS+ conditions in EU/Free Trade Association agreements.
•Review of the texts of FTA agreements in Georgia and Moldova and developing open letters to the Heads of EU negotiation groups (Premiere-ministers) on behalf of treatments activists.
•Technical assistance to Moldova and Georgia working groups in developing draft regulatory acts on implementing “compulsory licensing”.

Consultant, TB/HIV co-infection program

from 09.2014 to 09.2016 (2 years)
Establishing control over TB in Ukraine (USAID-funded project, Ukraine, Kyiv (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Responsible for development of the toolkit for providing research on HIV/TB services integration in Ukraine.
•Desk-review of the PSM strategy for TB medications.
•Conducting focus groups among TB/HIV patients, TB-service organizations and TB and HIV practitioners.
•Analytical review of the data collected from individual interviews and focus groups, development of the recommendations for improving TB/HIV service for people with dual diagnosis.

International consultant on HIV policy and advocacy (with special focus on access to Treatment and Prevention for marginalized populations)

from 10.2013 to 08.2017 (3 years 10 months)
Free-lancer, Kyiv (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Developing toolkit for the assessment of the access to treatment situation in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia with specific focus on access to sustainable ARV treatment for marginalized communities;
•Providing technical assistance in establishing effective procurement models for ARVs and TB medications for GFATM project in Russia;
•Conducting assessment of the Harm Reduction projects and treatment access situation in Kyrgyzstan;
•Providing technical assistance to advocates in India on Free Trade Agreement and Access to Treatment for India (including treatment literacy sessions and advocacy strategy planning);
•Technical assistance to Kenya Harm Reduction piloting as part of the Community Action on Harm Reduction (CAHR) project implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (IDU community mobilization, integrated prevention/treatment approach, most effective outreach models);

Head of Treatment Department

from 11.2008 to 11.2013 (5 years)
All-Ukrainian Network of PLWHAs, Kyiv (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Responsible for setting up a new department in the Network with specific focus on treatment and PSM expertise: recruitment of the personnel, training of the staff, ToR development and overall management of the department (including at the initial stage under “crisis management” conditions);
•Development of the PSM strategy for the GFATM 6th round proposal with specific focus on: capacity building of the new PSM department at the Network, training/coaching of the new team, specific plan of PSM transfer from the Network to the Ministry of Health;
•Managing Intellectual Property and Access working group at the Ministry of Health with key responsibilities: adoption of TRIPS flexibilities in national legislation (i.e. compulsory licensing), quality assessment and quality monitoring of new generic ARV formulations, expert assistance to negotiations on FTA/EFTA (Ukraine-EU);
•Organization of the grant-management process for the treatment component of GFATM grant (incl. tender announcement, selection criteria, monitoring and evaluation criteria etc.);
•Development and introduction of the Integrated care concept in Ukraine for IDU clients, TB-DOTS/HIV pilot projects and other innovative sites focusing on optimizing care for marginalized clients;
•Introduction of the outreach strategy for express-diagnostics (HIV,HCV), vaccination (HBV) and case management for marginalized categories of patients;
•Development of national policy for prevention of HIV amongIDUs, integration of prevention and treatment approaches and guidelines for scaling up rapid testing for HIV;
•Regular work with the Ministry of Health on reforming procurement system and establishing transparent mechanism of PSM in the area of ARVs and Substitution Treatment (ST) medications;
•Developing regular reports to GFATM on performance in Treatment component.

Regional program officer

from 02.2003 to 03.2008 (5 years 1 month)
International Harm Reduction Development Program/ Open Society Foundations, Kyiv (Humanitarian field, Healthcare)

•Primary responsibility for IHRD policy initiative in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine and Tajikistan;
•Developing prevention strategy and outreach express-testing standards for Eastern Europe and Central Asia;
•Responsibility for overseeing IHRD’s regional initiative on HIV treatment and ensuring that the experience of IHRD is incorporated into treatment components of the national HIV programmes;
•Establishment and management of Treatment (ARV4IDU) teams in each focus country, including National Soros Foundations and key partners. Responsible for selecting personnel, team building, education;
•Programme Development and Support: review of proposals, development of technical assistance plans for projects, monitoring implementation, reviewing reports.


Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University, NYC, USA

HIV/AIDS, New-York
Specialized secondary, from 2003 to 2004 (7 months)

Kiev State medical University

Skin and sexually transmitted dieseases, HIV/AIDS special course (residenship), Kyiv
Higher, from 1992 to 1998 (5 years 11 months)

Additional education and certificates

Faculty member, American-Austrian Foundation


Language proficiencies

  • English — fluent
  • French — average

Additional information

•In-depth knowledge of programmatic, managerial and operational aspects of HIV/AIDS interventions
•Specific knowledge on organizing treatment projects for HIV/TB co-infection for marginalized groups, member of WHO-EURO working group on Protocol development for integrated care for patients with HIV/TB/IDU (since 2008)
•Specific knowledge in organizing operational research, strategic information management and program correction (for key populations). Member of studies organized by London school of Epidemiology and Hygiene, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, New-Haven Medical School
•Extensive experience in HIV/AIDS prevention strategies both from the health systems and beneficiary (direct experience of work with PLHIV, MARPs and other vulnerable populations) perspective
•Practical experience in developing comprehensive National HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs (Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Thailand)
•Experience in conducting assessments of national responses in HIV prevention, including programs specifically focused on marginalized populations, in Eastern Europe and Asia: National Program, outreach strategies, access to prevention commodities, coverage
•Establishing HCV advocacy network for Eastern Europe and Asia: support of the global advocacy efforts for inclusion of HCV medications into the WHO Essential Drugs List, technical assistance to national advocacy teams (Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Georgia).
•One of the founders of the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC), developer of the ITPCru concept and approach to involve Russian-speaking activist audience
•10+ years of experience in public health, Capacity building, Training and Advocacy, Procurement & Supply Management (PSM), focusing on HIV/AIDS interventions
•Extensive productive collaboration with a range of HIV and harm reduction organizations and specialists across the world

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