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QA Automation Engineer

City of residence:
Ready to work:
Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv, Vinnytsia

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Work experience

Manual and Automation QA Engineer

from 03.2019 to now (5 years 6 months)

A couple of startups (business analysis tools and pet owners social platform):
- 34 test cases covered with autotests: test case development, creation, automation
- Bug reporting
- Various tests: black box, white box, functional, repetitive, regression, mutation

Skills and knowledge gained and developing:
Java + Selenium + Maven (using IntelliJ CE)
GitHub for VCS
Functional and regression testing
Test case, test report and bug report creation
Reverse engineering and test planning
Java classes creation and re-usage
Java libs usage
MySQL basics (using DataGrip)
API testing (Postman and autotests) for PDFfiller, IBM and project APIs


Универститет Драгоманова

Менеджмента и туризма, Киев
Higher, from 2005 to 2010 (4 years 10 months)

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