
Python/Web Developer (Django, HTML5, CSS), 25 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
39 years

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Work experience

The head of the laboratory

from 06.2015 to now (9 years 3 months)
Zorya-Mashproekt, Mykolaiv (Heavy industry)

Management of personnel up to 40 people. Setting production tasks. Technology control. Development of production plans. Preparation of reports. Development and participation in scientific and research works. Development and publication of scientific works and studies. Patenting of inventions.

Research engineer

from 09.2011 to 06.2015 (3 years 9 months)
Zorya-Mashproekt, Mykolaiv (Heavy industry)

Organization and conduct of scientific research. Carrying out control measurements. Development of technical and operational documentation. Publication of reports, references, test protocols. Management of working personnel, the number of up to 10 people


The Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Master's degree - Accounting and Audit, Mykolaiv
Higher, from 2014 to 2016 (2 years)

Training of innovatively thinking specialists who will have in-depth knowledge and practical training regarding the organization of accounting and reporting according to national and international standards; decision-making in the field of taxation in the conditions of globalization of the world economy; preparation, processing of analytical information and making timely and effective decisions in the conditions of a changing external environment; analytical methods and control procedures for identifying and eliminating destructive phenomena in the activities of enterprises.

The Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Master's degree - Electromechanical systems of automation, Mykolaiv
Higher, from 2002 to 2008 (6 years)

The study of scientific and theoretical foundations and methods of processes in complex electrotechnical and electromechanical installations and systems, which consist of an interconnected complex of electrotechnical and electromechanical devices, their control systems, means of increasing the efficiency and productivity of installations, methods of their mathematical and physical modeling, optimization and synthesis for the purpose of creating new and improving existing systems and devices, ensuring their effective and safe functioning, researching the possibilities of improving parameters and characteristics in order to ensure their optimal design and more efficient operation

Knowledge and skills

  • Користувач ПК
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • MySQL
  • Django
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • MS Excel
  • Фотографія
  • C#
  • SQLite
  • MS Word
  • Програмування
  • Database
  • Frameworks
  • Робота в команді
  • Організаторські здібності
  • Ведення звітності
  • Ведення документації
  • PyCharm
  • Кодування
  • Python developing
  • Excel 2019
  • Word 2019
  • C# developing
  • DBeaver

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — average

Additional information

And I am a most promising programmer. My experience in programming for more than 3 years. Studied languages: C+ and C#. Study at the level of performance of work tasks for process automation. Then there was a pause and transition to Python 3. I study independently from textbooks, technical documentation and various courses. Recently (6 months) I have been studying the Django framework and HTML 5, CSS, SQL sqlite3 in parallel. I am excited to learn everything new. I am happy to learn coding techniques and methods. Looking for potential employers...

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