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Front-end програміст

41 years

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Ihor Kuchin Frontend - developer
I’m a frontend developer with a desire to learn
new and improve. Currently, I’m looking for a
frontend developer position and new challenging
projects to develop myself even more. I have
profound knowledge of HTML and CSS including
preprocessors (Sass/Less), a good understanding
of responsive web design, and proficiency in
CONTACTS working with native JavaScript, Typescript,
frameworks and libraries such as React, Redux,
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
MobX, Vue, Vuex, Pinia, TailwindCSS, MUI,
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Formik, etc. I’m always ready to learn new
Telegram: @ihor_ik
Vyshneve, Kyiv, Ukraine
Linkedin: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Frontend Developer
GitHub: github.com/ik-web Apr 2022 - Present
Portfolio: ik-web.github.io/portfolio Self employed

RELEVANT SKILLS Web application development (UI, BLL, DAL)
Technologies: React, Redux, Next, Vue, Vuex, Nuxt
JavaScript (ES2015-2019 )
HTML / CSS developer
React, Redux, MobX, Next
Sep 2021 - Present
Vue, Vuex, Pinia
HTML, CSS, Sass (SCSS), BEM Freelance
TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Bulma Website layouting, landing pages, etc.
Fetch, REST API, SQL Technologies: HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS
Git/Github, NPM, Yarn
Algorithms and data structures
Basic OOP understanding
Parcel, Gulp, Webpack, Vite Mate academy
Photoshop, Figma, Avocode Frontend developer
Chrome Developer Tools (React, Redux, JS, Typescript, HTML, CSS)
Trello, Jira
Kottans frontend course
LANGUAGE Frontend developer
Ukranian (HTML, CSS, JS, Typescript, reactive frameworks)
Kyiv Trade and Economic College
Merchandising and commercial activity

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