- File
Front-end програміст
- Age:
- 26 years
- City of residence:
- Kyiv
- Ready to work:
- Remote
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I am a skilled Frontend developer with more than one year of Full-stack Developer
practical experience.
My expertise includes working with modern web Lawyers' union «Zakhyst» (10.23 - 01.24)
technologies such as Fetch, REST API, HTML, CSS, and SCSS
preprocessors. In this company, I refactored the reviews and about us pages and
I know and can use BEM and Atomic CSS methodology. For rewrote them from vanilla JS to React, trained in Express, wrote
CSS I use the frontend toolkit - Bootstrap.
aggregation queries to the database, created new routes and
I use React.js, React Router, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Vue.js, Vue
Router, Pinia and Nuxt.js in my work.
improved old ones, merged many different queries into the database
I had experience working with Express and MongoDB. into one query , fixed bugs of multiple route calls and page re-
I use the module builder - Webpack, Vite. rendering in React, expanded various functionality in the CRM system
I have a law degree and thanks to this I have become quite for the company and the application for clients.
I also used to play basketball and take prizes with the team,
Frontend Developer
which allowed me to understand the value and strength of
the team and teamwork. I think it all together makes me a
good addition to any team. Perla Helsa (02.23 - 08.23)
At Perla Helsa, I developed product pages, participated in the creation
of a personal account on the site (product reviews), development of
Typescript, JavaScript (ES2015 - 2019) promotional popups with and without input fields and validation for
React.js, React Router, Redux, Redux Toolkit them, also created various animations, and carried out code
Vue.js, Vue Router, Nuxt.js, Pinia
optimization and reduced the number of requests from the server to
HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS),Bootstrap, BEM, Atomic CSS
speed up the opening of pages (lazy loading).
Express, MongoDB
Git/Github, Bitbucket, VS Code, WebStorm, Chrome The optimizations I suggested for the code on the product pages were successfully
Developer Tools (incl. React), NPM, Webpack, Vite implemented in the project.
Xcode (simulator) I gained proficiency in testing the website on Safari and iPhone simulators using Xcode.
Algorithms: Solved more than 180 tasks on codewars Learned Nuxt.js and Vue.js from scratch in six months at the level of performing tasks of
easy and medium complexity.
In a week I learned how to interact with the Mongodb database and write aggregation
CONTACTS queries.
Telegram Projects
SCSS (commercial experience)
Perla Helsa Vue.js, Nuxt.js Vite, Pinia (commercial experience) Github Code
Kyiv, Ukraine Pharmacy Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Bootstrap 5 Github Code
Ready to work remotely
PeopleInfoCRUD Vue.js with animations, Pinia, Vite Github Code
People albums React.js, React-router, SCSS GitHub Code
and posts
Todo app Typescript, React.js, SCSS, REST api, Fetch GitHub Code
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Master's Degree in Law
Frontend course at Mate academy (Git, HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, React.js, Web)
CodeWars (180 tasks were solved)
Book: A Byte of Python
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