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DevOps engineer

40 years

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Andrii Leonenko

Personal data:
Date of birth: 18.04.1984
Marital status: married, with child
Address: Kyiv, Ukraine, 03040
Contacts: mob. [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Salary expectations: from 2000$

High education: 2001-2007 years: National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» (NTUU «KPI»), Radio-Technical Faculty, Specialist degree

Work Experience:

Dec 2020 – present: JSB «RAIFFEISEN BANK», SRE DevOps expert
• Administering servers (Redhat, Ubuntu) and services such as Nginx, Phpfpm, Nodejs, MySQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis + Sentinel, PostgresSQL;
• AWS, Azur, Google Cloud servers/services implementation and supporting;
• CI/CD scripts set up for Bamboo, Gitlab, Gitlab Runner, Jenkins;
• Virtualization and containerization using Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform/Terragrunt;
• Building monitoring using Zabbix, Grafana, Prometheus;
• Building log analysis using Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kibana.
Apr 2018 – Dec 2020: TASLINK LLC, Head of Business Systems Support
• Set up and support of authorisation systems for the financial transaction production, development and test environment for automated authorisation of financial transactions incl. digital services for contactless payments such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Master Pass, Verified by visa, One Click etc. Working in close cooperation with multiple teams to support trouble shooting, root-cause analysis and quick resolution of complex issues;
• Configure and maintain the monitoring infrastructure, network issues, data base and business processes of the company using Zabbix with notifications generated by triggers and passed directly to the users;
• Configure and maintain first-line technical support (24/7) for business processes of the company including incident management, setting service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs). Create user manuals and build up knowledge database using GLPI software;
• Participate in the implementation of infrastructure to support new business processes for external clients incl. banks, traders and partners. Analysis and deployment of business requirements, interaction with developers and testers;
• Systems deployment and release management without impact on operational services;
• Work in close cooperation with different vendors to ensure high-quality and continuous delivery of services; implementation of the mandatory requirements of Visa, MasterCard and Prostir payment systems;
• Root-cause analysis of the production issues, analysis of the audit logs and further cooperation with developers (both internal and external) to fix the identified bugs and tuning of monitoring systems based on business needs; development of automated test to ensure the changes made are correct and meet business requirements;
• Supporting daily reporting processes such as the exchange of clearing files with payment systems/ banks in line with the agreed KPIs; automatic generation of reports to traders and partners and internal reporting incl. billing and inter-office transactions;
• Configure equipment to perform cryptographic checks of the card holders, preparation of personal data for the 3rd parties (GDPR).

Recent projects with major system modification:
• Successful migration from different Sponsors to the TASLINK processing center for multiple clients incl. Akzent bank (Privat), PBC (UkrKart) and Clearing House (Raiffeisen);
• Obtained certification and implemented Apple pay API solutions and ISO technologies in Apple laboratory;
• Built technical link between a back-office system provided by a 3rd party supplier (B2 accounting solution) and a front office TranzWare Online tool by setting up regular refresh files i.e. delta exchange packages between the systems.

Nov 2007 – Nov 2017: JSB «CLEARING HOUSE», Head of operational division for the PC;
Dec 2006 – Apr 2007: JSB «OLDBANK», Automatization division, Engineer-programmer;
Aug 2004 – Dec 2006: Company «CPS», Technical engineer of bank equipment;
Jan 2003 – Jul 2004: Company «SOFT SERVICE», System administrator.

Languages knowledge: Russian and Ukrainian - fluent, English - upper-intermediate level.

Skills and abilities:
Administrating Windows/ Linux/ FreeBSD, programing Bash/Python, supporting CI/CD, application virtualization and containerization using Docker, Kubernetes and TerraForm, write functions, requests and reports on PL/SQL (Oracle 11g). Knowledge of specialization protocols such as ISO 8583 (VISA/MC), NDC/DCC (ATM), EMV (CHIP) TITP (POS), SMTP/SMPP (MAIL/SMS). Working with cryptographic devices for data coding such as THALES/SAFENET (HSM). Acquired certificates - personal management, PL/SQL developer and Windows family domain administration. Have manumission charter from a Head of Bank Government for a high professionalism and big development to the Bank contribution.

Personal qualities: Analytical constitution of mind, high self-organization, punctual, communicative, attentive, honest, without harmful habits. I have a great desire to improve my skills and knowledge day by day.

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