Resume from May 12, 2023 File


Unity 3D developer

20 years
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` Find more at my portfolio website

1Line (CLIENT-project)

Tsaplia ▪
Gameplay fixes & new features implemented;
Mentor & Game Developer ▪ Code refactoring & optimization;
▪ Google API integrations;
▪ Integrated ad mediation with various ad providers (Google Admob.
Unity Ads, IronSource, Applovin, AdColony)
Brutal Christmas (PET-project)

▪ In this project, I used DI framework Zenject (Extenject) for
Mentor and Unity3D game
handling dependencies as a more flexible and encapsulated
developer with 3+ years of alternative to Singleton pattern.
experience. ▪ AI for enemies was implemented using State Machine pattern with
slight variations in behavior in different types of enemies.
I have been designing and ▪ I integrated CI/CD framework from Game CI to test and deliver
builds using GitHub actions.
developing both simple
prototypes and commercial
games for Windows, Android и

▪ Indie Game Developer (2018-2020)
I am always open for a new
experience and teamwork. ▪ Game Development Mentor at Ampli (2020-2021)
▪ Game Developer at Smugduck (2021-2023)

▪ Strong C# and .NET;
CONTACTS ▪ Strong Visual Studio/Rider IDE (debugging, testing,
refactoring, git);
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) ▪ Experience in git, using gitflow principles (Unity collab,
github, gitlab, bitbucket);
▪ Experience in using OOP principles;
PORTFOLIO ▪ Knowledge of basic algorithms, algorithm analysis and data
ITCH ▪ I use SOLID, KISS and DRY principles in my projects;
▪ I enhance efficiency and readability of my code with various
design patterns;
LINKEDIN ▪ Experience in writing UNIT tests for various app modules
(mocking, stubbing, testable architecture);
▪ Experience in implementation CI/CD using GitHub Actions;

▪ Experience in creating Custom Editors;
▪ Experience in analyzing performance issues with Unity
Profiler, Frame Debugger;
▪ Experience in game optimizing approaches;
LANGUAGES ▪ Practical use of DI principle with Zenject in projects;
▪ Experience in using Unity Addresables;
RUSSIAN ▪ Experience in asynchronous programming (async/await,
▪ A little familiar with UniRX and reactive programming;
▪ Game design of simple game systems, mechanics, features;
▪ Worked with Photon Unity Networking 2 and UNET;
ENGLISH ▪ Practical experience in developing VR games using OpenXR
▪ Can create simple shaders using Amplify Shader Editor,
Unity Shader Graph

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