Resume from September 5, 2023 PRO


Python-програміст, 37 000 UAH

19 years
City of residence:
Other countries
Ready to work:
Other countries, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience

Backend програміст

from 02.2022 to now (2 years 4 months)
Freelance, Інші країни (IT)

Objective: Creation of website for self-use employer for getting statistics of
handball matches in different leagues and years. Project goals: Website development with user-friendly interface that gets
handball statistics in real time via 3rd party API. Development of the cache
that caches data for faster response when a website gets a similar request. Project short description: The project is aimed at the development of the
website that interacts with the 3rd party API to collect statistics from
handball matches. Throughout the project development the main focus has
been applied to achieving the results below: • Creating the website’s logic
• Designing the user interface
• Developing the HTML/CSS/JS components
• Implementing the back-end functionality
• Deploying the website to a server
While developing this project I have got valuable experience in web
development that deeply enhance my skills in different technologies, in
particular in the Celery task queue.


from 02.2022 to now (2 years 4 months)
Freelance, Інші країни (IT)

Objective: To actively contribute to a project focused on finding
contemporary solutions to business challenges. This includes creating
automated tools for various tasks such as streamlining workflows, monitoring community metrics, monitoring publications and more. The
ultimate goal is to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the business
environment. Project goals: Development of the automation tool for companies to
improve and speed up routine processes. The scripts have a full
documentation of how the script works and there is a log of any errors. Project short description: Participating in project is directed upon the
finding up-to-date solutions for business. This includes development of
automated tools for various tasks including automating workflows, tracking
community statistics, managing publications, etc. While this project realization I got experience in working via API, web driver
based-development, and managing requests to the server.


from 02.2022 to now (2 years 4 months)
Freelance, Інші країни (IT)

Objective: Make a more clear understanding work of businesses with scripts. Project goals: I've developed a script with a GUI interface where employers
can pick the file with input data, change parameters and check the errors. Project short description: The project is aimed at solving the business
problem of it’s running via development of self-written scripts. The key aim
of the project is to provide people with a clear understanding of work with
self written scripts. This has been achieved mainly by means of developing
the custom GUI interface that allows working with the fully automated tool, successfully developed by me. This tool fully allows quickly running of the
script view errors and maintaining input data.


Харківський Національний університет радіоелектроніки

Автоматизація та комп'ютерно-інтегровані технології, Харків
Higher, from 2021 to 2024 (3 years)

Additional education and certificates

Python for advanced (excellent 97%)

2022 3 місяця

Python core

2022, 4 місяці

Knowledge and skills

Стресостійкість Python HTML Git CSS Django SQL Знання принципів ООП GitHub MySQL Docker JavaScript MongoDB Celery

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Polish — beginner
  • English — above average

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