Average salary for the "Accounting & auditing" category in Ukraine

Average salary
18000 UAH
Salary distribution
9 000 UAH
41 000 UAH

Currently on the site

21244 resumes in the "Accounting & auditing" category in Ukraine, posted over the last 3 months

How much do people want to be paid in the "Accounting & auditing" category in Ukraine?

The average salary specified in resumes for the "Accounting & auditing" category in Ukraine is 18000 UAH. It is the median salary of 8991 resumes posted on Work.ua in this category over the last 3 months. The range containing the median is highlighted in the chart.

Job titles in the "Accounting & auditing" category

20000 UAH
15000 UAH
20000 UAH
50000 UAH
20000 UAH
Financial analyst
25000 UAH
Chief Accountant
30000 UAH
Specialist on economic security
35000 UAH
Head of the economic department
30000 UAH
35000 UAH
Consultant 1C
40000 UAH
IFRS specialist
60000 UAH
If you use our statistics in your material, please link to Work.ua.