Average salary for the "Upper & senior management" category in Ukraine
45 000 UAH
for february 2025
*according to 1 826 job postings
Salary distribution
How much do jobs in the "Upper & senior management" category in Ukraine pay?
The average salary for the "Upper & senior management" category in Ukraine is 45000 UAH. It is the median salary of 1826 jobs posted on Work.ua in this category over the last 3 months. The range containing the median is highlighted in the chart.
Currently on the site
1055 jobs in the "Upper & senior management" category in Ukraine
Job titles in the "Upper & senior management" category
Job position
Average salary
Change per year
60 000 UAH
Head of production
42 500 UAH
Head of sales
67 000 UAH
60 000 UAH
40 000 UAH
Branch director
43 000 UAH
Директор ресторану
36 000 UAH
65 000 UAH
Head of marketing
65 000 UAH
HR generalist
42 500 UAH
Director of construction
52 500 UAH
Керуючий мережі магазинів
31 000 UAH
Logistic director
55 000 UAH
Керівник інтернет-магазину
37 500 UAH
New business manager
60 000 UAH
Call-center director
40 000 UAH
Медичний директор
40 000 UAH
Директор школи
32 500 UAH