Average salary for the "Telecommunications" category in Ukraine
25 000 UAH
for february 2025
*according to 7 984 job postings
Salary distribution
How much do jobs in the "Telecommunications" category in Ukraine pay?
The average salary for the "Telecommunications" category in Ukraine is 25000 UAH. It is the median salary of 7984 jobs posted on Work.ua in this category over the last 3 months. The range containing the median is highlighted in the chart.
Currently on the site
Job titles in the "Telecommunications" category
Job position
Average salary
Change per year
Call center operator
22 000 UAH
26 000 UAH
25 000 UAH
Chat manager
26 500 UAH
31 000 UAH
System administrator
29 000 UAH
Chief engineer
40 000 UAH
32 500 UAH
Customer support representative
25 000 UAH
30 000 UAH
Майстер з ремонту телефонів
30 000 UAH
Customer service manager
33 500 UAH
Монтажник ОПС
25 000 UAH
30 000 UAH
Технік з підключення інтернету
25 000 UAH
Інженер КВПіА
27 500 UAH
Call-center director
37 500 UAH
Інженер з автоматизації
35 000 UAH
IT security specialist
25 000 UAH
Інженер протипожежних систем
25 000 UAH