Average salary for the "Beauty, fitness & sports" category in Vinnytsia

Average salary
16000 UAH
Salary distribution
11 000 UAH
23 000 UAH

Currently on the site

100 jobs in the "Beauty, fitness & sports" category in Vinnytsia

How much do jobs in the "Beauty, fitness & sports" category in Vinnytsia pay?

The average salary for the "Beauty, fitness & sports" category in Vinnytsia is 16000 UAH. It is the median salary of 184 jobs posted on Work.ua in this category in Vinnytsia over the last 3 months. The range containing the median is highlighted in the chart.

Job titles in the "Beauty, fitness & sports" category in Vinnytsia

17500 UAH
20000 UAH
If you use our statistics in your material, please link to Work.ua.