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30 years
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[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Kiev, Ukraine [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Roman Scherbyna
2D A N I M A T O R S P I N E

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Kiev, Ukraine [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Animation is a wonderful zeld for creative realiIation,and p want to develoh in it. p cSose Last Wearner
bhine yecause of st•le and functionalit• of tSe hrogram, as well as tSe ayilit• to make
cSanges at an• stage of tSe animation. p would like to continue to develoh in tSis zeld. Ayilit• to -ork Under resC
pn m• free time,p hla• video games and watcS some anime. sure

Tritical tSinking and hroylem
Security guard, Department of State Security of Ukraine, Kiev
November 2017 — November 2020 eam la•er
O xyserved and identized sushicious activities, hersons, or veSicles tSat ma• hose a
risk to tSe hrohert• or individuals eamwork

O xherated securit• access control s•stems and monitored tSe entr• and eDit of
MDcellent Tommunication
O Eevelohed and maintained relationsSihs witS local law enforcement and otSer
securit• hersonnel
O Mnforced access control hrotocols, including monitoring visitors, issuing visitor
hasses, and logging all entries
p hrefer active recreation,
O Paintained hroher documentation of all securit• incidents, including detailed
skiing, Siking. p reall• like to
incident rehorts and incident logs
travel in tSe mountains. yeC
Graduate of ArtCraft School, Course 2D animation spine , Kiev sides tSat p like to hla• video
May 2023 — August 2023 games. p alwa•s like to learn
O bhine sometSing new
O SotosSoh
O understanding tSe hrincihals of animationj
O understanding tSe hro_ect ohtimiIation hrocessj
O eDhort

Secondary education, Secondary school №84, Kiev
September 2001 — May 2012

National University of Food Technologies, Kiev
September 2012 — February 2015

2D animator Spine, ArtCraft
May 2023 — August 2023

ArtStation link

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