
English translator

Full-time, part-time.
47 years

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Work experience

Attorney at law

from 03.2016 to now (8 years 6 months)
Private practice, Київ (Юриспруденція)

Current majors are - commercial and civil litigation. I have few clients and also outsource litigation for commercial companies and law firms. I have been to the new Supreme Court several times since the recent reform.

Head of Legal Department

from 03.2015 to 02.2016 (11 months)
Ukrteplo LLC, Київ (Енергетика)

Built an effective legal team. We overhauled corporate governance of the group, arranged proper licensing, established good contract practice. Also established procedures for collecting debts to the company. Until late 2017 I was advising on corporate structuring of the group in the capacity of outsourced adviser.

Legal advisor

from 11.2012 to 02.2015 (2 years 3 months)
Bischoff & Compagnons Property Networks GmbH (Austria), Київ (Будівництво, архітектура, дизайн інтер'єру)

Major practice areas:
during the period I was mostly rendering services to a foreign development company, hence my practice areas were: real estate, foreign investment, corporate governance and litigation. In these years I managed to deliver security and stable dynamics of the client’s project development. I repelled a number of raider attacks on client’s assets. I brought all conflicts to final settlement agreements favoring my client the best. As my responsibility was to legally supervise and support ambitious real estate projects I was involved everywhere from comforting investment tranches into Ukraine to representation of the project at local commune councils, from local prosecutors’ office to numerous court rooms.
Major law fields:
Civil and commercial litigation, Land Law, Corporate Law, Foreign Investment, Construction Law, Criminal Law.

Head of Litigation

from 09.2010 to 11.2011 (1 year 2 months)
Law Offices of OMP, Київ (Юриспруденція)

Major practice areas:
commercial, civil, administrative and criminal litigation. Mediation.Major law fields: Civil and commercial litigation, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Administrative Law, Agricultural Law, Real Estate.
selection and launch of an effective litigation team, building strong and reliable corporate protocol and discipline in the company’s practice area.

Corporate Lawyer

from 05.2007 to 01.2010 (2 years 8 months)
"Voropaev & Partners Law Firm", Київ (Юриспруденція)

Major client: JSC SCM.

Major practice areas:
Сorporate and commercial matters, M&A, international transactions, antitrust & competition law, securities and foreign investment law, commercial litigation, etc.
Major projects:
Metinvest and Smart Holding merger; restructuring of DTEK Holding; restructuring of TRK Ukraine Holding; corporate governance of JSC Kyivenergo; sale of Ukrainian Brewage Holding, sale of Ordzhinikidze Iron Ore Minery.

Head of Litigation Office of Legal Department

from 03.2006 to 04.2007 (1 year 1 month)
JSC “Ukrgaz-Energo”, Київ (Енергетика)

Major practice areas:
Litigation, Alternative dispute resolution (tribunals).

selection and launch of an effective litigation team, building strong and reliable corporate protocol and discipline in representation of the company in court disputes of all kinds.

Senior Lawyer/Partner

from 01.2002 to 03.2006 (4 years 2 months)
“Bondarchuk and Partners” Law Firm, Київ (Юриспруденція)

Major practice areas:
M&A, Corporate Law, securities, employment matters, enforcement of the international arbitration courts awards, litigation and enforcement matters, Contract Law, etc.


Taras Shechenko National University of Kyiv

Law School/ Master of Commercial Law, Київ
Higher, from 2003 to 2006 (3 years)

The graduation added to my knowledge of the Ukrainian Cvivil and Commercial Laws, which I felt needed after getting my first legal degree.

Taras Shechenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of international relations

The International Law School/ Master of International Private Law, Київ
Higher, from 1994 to 1999 (5 years)

Taras Shechenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of international relations

English Translator, Bachelor of international relations, Київ
Higher, from 1994 to 1998 (4 years)

Knowledge and skills

  • Здатність до навчання
  • Знання законодавства України
  • Знання держ. реєстрів
  • Впевненість
  • Користувач ЄДРСР
  • Знання процесуального права
  • Знання цивільного законодавства
  • Складання процесуальних документів
  • Претензійно-позовна робота
  • Укладання договорів
  • Робота з правовими базами НАУ
  • Представництво в судах
  • Знання правових баз даних
  • Знання корпоративного права
  • Письмовий переклад
  • Усний переклад
  • Грамотна усна та письмова мова
  • Синхронний переклад
  • Послідовний переклад
  • Уважність
  • Італійська мова

Language proficiencies

  • English — advanced
  • Italian — above average

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