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Quality and food safety manager


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Birthday: 02.04.1992
Residence: Ukraine, Mykolaiv reg., Tyha str. 13
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Objective: To obtain a position as Quality & Food Safety Manager.
Standardization and Quality Engineer, BUNGE
(from 10.2020 to the present time)
Major Duties:
• Implementation and support of management systems FSSC 22000, EFISC, ISCC EU, ISCC PLUS, HALLAL, KOSHER.
• Passing client audits from abroad.
• Passing inspections of governments.
• Work with complaints and claims.
• Development of process instructions and specifications for manufacturing products
• Introduced an electronic system of training and testing employees according to food quality and safety standards at the enterprise with automatic accumulation of results by MS Forms
• During work, implemented new standards such as FSSC 22000 v5.1 EFISC-GTP v 4.0 and successfully passed certification audits of Bureau Veritas and SGS companies
• Took part in BPS QFS Assessment as auditee and auditor of such plants as DOEP, Thrace, Voronezh and Buzau
• Successfully completed audits of clients such as Koninklijke Bunge Rotterdam and IFF DuPont France
• Participated in the audit of the Halmeu terminal and advise the terminal team to close nonconformities
Special courses:
03/ 2023 – Food fraud prevention and food protection. Requirements FSSC 22000, BRCGS, IFS, PAS 96 Recommendations issued by Bureau Veritas
12/2021 - EFISC-GTP Training Course (Introduction on the EFISC-GTP standard and story, Structure of the standard, Supporting documents, Scope of the standard, Conversion to the new code, Structure of the sector documents, Monitoring plan, Incident notification procedure, Food and feed fraud, Mutual recognition and recognition of other feed standards, Gatekeeping, risk assessment, Aflatoxin protocol and country risk analysis related to Aflatoxin B1, Incident prevention (salmonella and aflatoxin))
04/2021 – successfully completed training and received a Certificate of internal auditor of food safety management systems in accordance with the requirements and provisions of standards ISO 22000, FSSC version 5.1, HACCP and ISO 19011 issued by Bureau Veritas
11/2020 - General Requirements, Main Principles and Recommendations Awareness Training Course (based on EU International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Standard)

Regional Food Quality and Safety Specialist, Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine
(from 09.2017 to 10.2020)
Major Duties:
• Conducting internal audits.
• Quality control at the enterprise.
• work with complaints, settlement of disputes.
• Employee training.
• work with government agencies, suppliers.
• Implementation of the legislative framework, international standards in the work of the organization.
• Duties included conducting audits in 26 stores in Ukraine.
• Participated in the implementation of the electronic audit system of the integrated quality system
• Successfully passed certification audits by ISO 22000 of SGS companie
• Trained more than 1,000 employees according to company standards and integrated food safety and quality management system
• Support of store teams during State Authority inspections and responses to customer complaints
• Took part in audits of suppliers and manufacturers of Metro's own brands
Special courses:
in 2017 successfully completed training and received a Certificate of internal auditor of food safety management systems in accordance with the requirements and provisions of standards ISO 22000:2005, FSSC version 3, HACCP and ISO 19011: 2011 issued by TMS TUV SUD
in 2019 completed the training course "Food Microbiology. Factors of influence, prevention of cross-contamination. Control of allergens" from the company Bureau Veritas
in 2019 completed an introductory course on the development and implementation of a food safety and quality management system in accordance with the FSSC conducted by the SGS company
Head of Sales Department, Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine
(from 11.2016 to 09.2017)
Major Duties:
• Ordering of products.
• Search for wholesale customers.
• Personnel management of the department.
• Inventory management.
Adm. Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, Master in Project Management - The master's work was related to the implementation of the project control and planning system of the MS project in the development of IT projects and shipbuilding projects
Adm. Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, Specialist in Shipbuilding Technology

Computer Skills:
Confident user of PC
Language knowledge:
Ukrainian, Russian, German, English

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