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Front-end програміст

20 years
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Vitaliy Sprynskyi
Front-end developer
Passionate about creating captivating and user-friendly web experiences, I am a
dedicated front-end web developer. While I may not have professional experience yet, I
am driven by my curiosity and love for coding, constantly honing my skills and
expanding my knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Contact Education
Phone sep 2019 - jun 2023
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Email Sambir College of Economics and Informatics
Сomputer software engineering
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
sep 2023 - jun 2026
Sambir, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
LinkedIn West Ukrainian National University
Telegram Сomputer software engineering
Crypto App [HTML5, CSS, Tailwind, React, Redux, REST API]
HTML5/CSS/SCSS/Tailwind CSS The cryptocurrency information viewing program allows users to explore and
analyze details about various cryptocurrencies. It is a personal project designed
to explore and demonstrate the capabilities of combining React, Redux, and
React/Redux Toolkit, REST API REST APIs in building a dynamic and responsive cryptocurrency tracking
Proficient in responsive designs
Moneymanager [React, Redux, Tailwind, Nest.js, PostgreSQL]
Moneymanager is a comprehensive full-stack application designed as a pet
Vite project for personal finance management. It focuses on tracking and
categorizing user incomes and expenses, offering a clear view of financial health

Soft Skills and spending habits. This application leverages the robust back-end capabilities
of Nest.js coupled with the dynamic front-end features of React, providing a
seamless and interactive user experience.
Jobify [React, Styled-components, Express.js, MongoDB]
Jobify is a comprehensive job listing platform developed as a project for a
Quick learning
Udemy course focusing on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and
Time management Node.js). This application is designed to bridge the gap between employers and
job seekers, providing a platform for posting and searching for job vacancies. It
Engagement is a full-featured app that allows users to create, browse, and apply for job

Languages Movie App[React, SCSS, REST API]
The app focuses on providing users with the ability to browse movies by
Ukrainian - native different categories, discover upcoming films, and access detailed information
about movies and actors. This project, ideal for those learning web development
English - Upper Intermediate
or as a personal venture, leverages popular web technologies to deliver a
seamless movie browsing experience.

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