Resume from June 12, 2024 File


Front-end разработчик

27 years
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Viacheslav Stryzh
Front-end developer
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About me
Web Developer Inspired to bring ideas to life into the web with efficiency, usability and good
visuals. I have strong communication skills that allow me to work well with teams and clients
and ensure that everyone understands the requirements and the project outcome is
successful. I love to continue learning about new technologies in and out of work, ensuring I
can produce high-quality work on a consistent basis.
• Web-development
Web development basics, graphic editors (Photoshop, Figma), working with web graphics
and SVG, application of HTML, CSS, JS, Git, Bootstrap 4/5, FlexBox, preprocessors
(Sass/Scss), mobile adaptation, BEM methodology, creating multi-page sites, site
• Redux
Actions, reducers, stores, middleware, and an understanding of the concept of unidirectional
data flow and state immutability principles.
• Next.js (proficient in structuring components efficiently, utilizing TypeScript for precise prop
and state type annotations; deep understanding of Next.js lifecycle methods and hooks,
including useState, useEffect, and useContext; effective management of TypeScript-based
state and props; skilled in leveraging TypeScript to enhance error handling and prevent
unexpected UI behavior; familiarity with TypeScript in the context of virtual DOM concepts;
adept at incorporating TypeScript in event handling and form controls)
• React (proficient in component structure, utilizing TypeScript for prop and state type
annotations; deep understanding of component lifecycle methods and hooks, including
useState, useEffect, and useContext; effective management of TypeScript-based state and
props; skilled in leveraging TypeScript to enhance error handling and prevent unexpected UI
behavior; familiarity with TypeScript in the context of virtual DOM concepts; adept at
incorporating TypeScript in event handling and form controls)
• Redux (understanding basic principles such as state management, immutability, and pure
functions; familiarity with actions, reducers, and storage management; integration with React,
Provider and hooks like useSelector and useDispatch; debugging capabilities with Redux
DevTools and logging with redux-logger)
• TypeScript (proficient in static typing, leveraging interfaces and types for enhanced code
readability and maintainability; strong understanding of TypeScript's role in enhancing
developer experience and catching potential errors at compile-time; expertise in defining and
utilizing custom types for complex data structures; adept at integrating TypeScript with
modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries)
• HTML/CSS/JS (Mastery of HTML semantics and structure, including the use of tags,
attributes, and the Document Object Model (DOM); deep understanding of CSS styles,
positioning, meshes, flexbox, and responsive design techniques; familiarity with CSS
preprocessors such as SASS; mastery of vanilla JavaScript, including concepts such as
closures, promises, ES6+ functions, and asynchronous operations; DOM and event handling
skills; ability to optimize performance and best practices for rendering and layout; knowledge
of cross-browser compatibility)
• GSAP & Framer Motion (expertise in animating web elements with GSAP's Timeline libraries,
including its plugin ecosystem like ScrollTrigger and Draggable; knowledge of easing,
staggered animations, and performance optimizations in GSAP; adeptness in Framer Motion,
understanding its animate, exit, and initial props, as well as advanced features like variants
and motion values; proficient in orchestrating complex animations using both tools; capability
to create responsive, user-interactive animations with event listeners)
• Git (proficiency in version control mechanisms, including branching, merging and conflict
resolution; adeptness in common workflows like feature branching and pull requests;
familiarity with remote repositories and platforms like GitHub; understanding of Git hooks).
• Postman (skilled in API development and testing, with expertise in creating, managing, and
executing request collections; knowledgeable about various request types, authentication
mechanisms, and environment variables).
• English - B1+ proficiency, enabling effective communication and collaboration with
international teams.

Work Experience
• UPWORK / FREELANCE (February 2022 - today)
”Web developer”
Successfully developed a commercial project using Next.js, creating dynamic React
components and implementing layouts according to design mockups. Leveraged TypeScript
for precise prop and state type annotations, ensuring robust error handling and smooth UI
behavior. Integrated animations and responsiveness, enhancing user experience.
• Snap Renderfarm (February 2022 - today)
“Custom manager”
Configuring and managing render nodes. Allocating resources for specific rendering tasks.
Monitoring the rendering process for errors or inefficiencies. Handling data transfers,
including uploading scene files and downloading rendered sequences. Collaborating with
artists and technicians to troubleshoot any issues. Managing render queues, prioritizing tasks
based on deadlines.
• FOXTROT (September 2018- June 2021)
”Sales manager”
The tasks mainly included creating an order in a special program with the client through a
call. Placing an order, selecting goods, informing about logistics, working with objections.
• MOYO (October 2017- July 2018)
”Contact center operator”
Working in the contact center, the main task was to accompany the client to the logical
closure of the problem by creating an order, informing about the location of the goods, and
current loyalty programs.

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