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Front-end програміст

City of residence:
Ready to work:
Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Ternopil

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Evgenija Poduzova
Junior fullstack developer
Competent full-stack developer with successful experience in executing both
commercial and pet projects. Quick to grasp new technologies and demonstrate the
ability to find effective solutions for diverse tasks. My skills span the entire
technical stack, enabling the creation of high-quality software. Ready to contribute
my knowledge and skills to achieve high standards in development and project

Contact Experience
+38 (093) 305 56 57 2022 - 2024
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) KiwiCodeSolution
Telegram @PoduzovaEvgenija Full Stack Developer
Linkedin Successfully implemented an online meat products store 'M'sorobka' (link).
Participated in the development of both client and server-side components. The
client-side includes a website and an administrative panel. Utilized: Vite, NodeJS,
JS, MobX, Swiper, Framer Motion
In the development of the company's corporate website (preview). The site is
2022-2023 bilingual. Utilized: Vite, Swiper, Framer Motion, i18next, React Just Parallax
Fullstack Developer
IT School GoIT (Kyiv)
2022 - 2023
2005-2013 IT School GoIT (Kyiv)
Specialty: Marketing, Specialist Student, Full Stack Developer
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Petly, Links front / back [React, NodeJS, JS]
Technology (Dnipro)
Website for finding and selling pets. Role: Team Lead.
Create a project on github for front and back, check for build errors and page
Tech Skills performance in real time, deploy to hostings. Section "Our friends".

Filmoteka, Link [HTML, SASS, JS, Axios, Parcel]
Application for choosing a movie. Role: Team Lead. Build project on github, check
JavaScript for build errors and live page performance. Component modal window with
React (+Redux, MobX) information about members of the working group.
TypeScript 2016 - 2017 2017 - now
Node JS JSC CB "PRIVATBANK" BT Solutions Ltd
GIT Expert of the department before & after tender
Webpack, Parcel work
documentation management development of technical tasks preparation of
Responsive/Adaptive design
invoices, acts, tax invoices preparation of contracts, additional agreements to
existing contracts
Soft Skills
2013 - 2015
Attention to detail JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"
Teamwork Head of the accumulative insurance project
Diligent preparation of methodological documents for a new insurance product, staff
training creating communication events for offering products to bank customers
Quick learning skills
work with advertising materials of the Insurance business preparation of materials
for publication in the media preparation of the budget of the Insurance business in
Language terms of marketing and advertising

English - Intermediate
Ukrainian - Native

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