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C++ developer

22 years

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Maksym Barkar
I'm just like coding games.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Ukraine,Kropivinitskiy

https://github.com/l09dm0zgus/Shaperunnrer Winter 2022
• Simple game in Unreal Engine
https://github.com/l09dm0zgus/ASCIISnake July 2023
• Snake in Console
https://github.com/l09dm0zgus/SFMLPong February 2023
• Game Pong
https://github.com/l09dm0zgus/dnserver August 2023
• Simple DNS server written in C
https://github.com/l09dm0zgus/hexen-engine Work in Process
• Game Engine focused on 2D old school cRPGs

C++ OpenGL C
Unreal Engine CMake GLSL
• Problem Solving skills.
• Write well structured code.
• Design Patterns/Data Structures/Algorithms.
• Find and fix bugs and memory leaks.
• Use special tools like clang-format or profiling tools.
• Work with GIT.
• C++11/17 and STL.
• Boost/SDL/Qt.
• GitHub Actions.
• Linux

C++ Software Engineer November 2020- July 2022
• Developing and testing components for BAS Enterprise and intergrate this components
with MySQL Developing and testing programs that working with RS-232 port/weight

Kirovograd Cooperative Vocational College of Economics
Junior Specialist in Software Engineering September 2017- July 2021
National University of Radio Electronics
In the process of obtaining (Bachelor in Cybersecurity) September 2021 - Present

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