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Anna Voznaya
Certified Neurotransformational Coach
Physical Intelligence Coach

If you act in the same way, hoping to receive new
results, you’re successfully failed.

You asked about quick neuro practices. Try doing
what’s uncommon for you. If you’re usually active, try
being still and reflective. This can be challenging for
those who are action-oriented, like me.

However, acting is not really necessary in every
situation. Sometimes, we act out of habit even when it’s
not effective. If you didn’t get the desired result
previously, repeating the action likely won’t yield a
different outcome. So, why keep trying the same
approach and fail again?


Water: A Simple Brain Hack or Anxiety Relief.

Seriously, whenever someone is feeling anxious, the
first question I ask is if they’ve had enough water. Not
cola, juice, wine, coffee, or beer—just pure water.

Proper hydration significantly helps the body manage
neurotransmitters more effectively, rather than operating
in survival mode due to dehydration.

Often, the issue isn’t in anxiety but in a lack of
hydration. It’s another simple brain hack.

brain hacks 02

I believe those who seek comfort in the 21st century
simply don’t know how to manage it.

It’s entirely possible to maintain regular comfort without
sabotaging personal growth or neglecting life’s

It comes down to managing your brain and perception,
continuously optimizing how you use your resources
and energy for personal growth rather than conforming
to external demands or being held back by past

Chasing comfort, in reality, often equals to the
discomfort of hindering your own growth.


"So, how was the Placebo concert?" - my friend asked.

It hit me that it's been a week since my dream came true, yet it wasn't the
highlight of my UK trip, even though it was the primary goal.

This made me realize something about goals and dreams: while pursuing them,
there must be secondary benefits along the way.

For me, these included visiting the UK, taking a double-decker bus to Bristol,
experiencing a new atmosphere, interacting with people with cool British
accents, and exploring completely different impressions I hadn't planned.

Now, imagine if the goal was wrong or the dream failed, and you had no
secondary benefits. Then what?

Focusing solely on a single goal without appreciating what’s around is a bit risky
for your nerves. Expanding the focus to see wider is your nerves risk
management. Profitable one.

brain hacks 03

You can cancel thoughts that don't serve you.

Erase them from your mind just as you relax your facial

Apply pressure to those stubborn areas and let them go,
so your brain will break free from the cycle of repetitive,
unhelpful thoughts.

Cancel thoughts is brain hack #5.


Avoiding the root of an unpleasant emotion consumes more energy than
confronting it head-on.

Think of it like an investor: a short-term effort can lead to long-term gains by
freeing your energy from hidden pains.

Addressing the core issue allows you to invest your energy wisely, rather than
remaining forever exhausted by surface emotions.

Avoid avoidance is brain hack #6.

brain hacks 04

New actions, especially those from our changed selves,
are closely tied to how courageously we face our
deepest down feelings.

Avoiding, resisting, or ignoring these feelings doesn't
work. Instead, staying with them - works, even if it
means lying on the couch and listening to the hard
truths they reveal about us.

This process of self-reflection and honesty allows us to
rewire our brains and evolve. Personal growth happens
when we not only think differently but also act differently
based on the insights we gain from confronting our
deepest down emotions.


I cannot remember the last time I had alcohol. It's been years. I never liked it
much. At some point, I realized I prefer to train well more than the best Prosecco
you can imagine.

I dislike the feeling of weakness after having even a little alcohol. I don't like the
effects of blurry mind.

Brain improves once you completely stopped drinking. Not sometimes, not just
on holidays, and not only with the closest ones, not for social reasons, oh my

You have to make a straightforward choice: your clear mind and strong body or
that pretty bottle.

brain hacks 05

When I'm burning inside with thoughts and emotions, I
remind myself to ask two questions: Do I really need to
act immediately? And how can I cool down my nervous
system before taking action?

When you’re a bit overheated in the head, the best
action is to pause and cool down, allowing your brain to
find better solutions without the interference of boiling

Choose a clear mind over immediate reactions.


Own your entire self, including all the pains we'd rather delegate and the parts
we prefer not to see.

Don't let your brain escape responsibility for unpleasant feelings and
experiences by blaming others.

True strength and fearlessness come from fully owning yourself. When you avoid
this responsibility, you take the convenient path that conserves energy but
hinders growth.

Owning your whole self is your responsibility alone, and it cannot be delegated.

brain hacks 06
11. LAUGH.

Getting surprised means observing beyond your usual
perception of things.

Chasing novelty increases our ability to feel, enriches
our bodies with pleasant neurotransmitters, and reminds
ourselves that while down states are important to
honestly experience, high states are equally valuable.

So if laughing then out of loud.


You must choose your focus and decide where your brain energy goes and so
where you're heading.

There are always distractions, like mindlessly scrolling through social media or
smoking. But there are also bigger choices, like whether to chat with someone
you're interested in or stick to your goals for today, this week, the next few
months, and years.

It all starts with a decision, and choosing your focus is probably the most
important one.

brain hacks 07
13. WRITE.

Let the paper digest the chaos.

I didn't sleep well last night, and no matter what was going
on in my head—during deep sleep, dreaming, or that thin
moment of waking up when the brain isn't fully active but
the subconscious is the most informative—I always write it
all down right away.

This morning time captures the purest truths about ourselves.

Conversely, when overwhelmed by thoughts and seeking clarity, writing down
even the tiniest, nonsensical thoughts works. We free our brains from
processing both nighttime thoughts and daytime worries. Letting the paper
digest it better. And it’s amazing to read it years after.


A recent book on sexuality suggested that long-married couples should plan their
sex life. That still sounds sad to me.

However, I believe we all need to plan our rest. Not just vacations to other places
or countries, but daily rest—spending a few hours with ourselves or loved ones
doing something other than regular chores or conversations.

These activities should offer both relaxation and stimulation, completely separate
from our work. They reset our body and brain, leading to constant happiness and

Until we make qualified rest a daily habit, how can we achieve true fulfillment at

brain hacks 08

“It's just the way I am - I got used to feeling dizzy, having a
blurry mind, and enduring neck pain. It’s my normal.”

Having your brain out of its highest capacity isn't just
something to accept or get used to. Often, there are
physiological reasons that can be addressed with head
massages or exercises for the neck and upper back.

Usually, the best solutions are simple but require daily
consistency. It's always a choice though - regular actions
or regular pain. A blurry mind is a lazy choice.


The correct algorithm for thinking is as follows: observe, estimate, investigate,
re-estimate, then conclude.

Typically, people jump from observation to conclusion almost immediately,
usually based on emotions fueled by past experiences, leading to likely incorrect

To make accurate conclusions, investigate and estimate the information before
letting your emotions and previous experiences influence your judgment.

brain hacks 09

Commitment determines the quality of freedom. That was the
first strong realization I had this morning after another
short night's sleep.

My life has always been filled with numerous impressions
because I constantly chase, explore, admire, and grow from them.

However, all these high states, the constant raising of the emotional bar, and
everything happening in life—this freedom of actions—requires one key validation
point: a commitment to your own values, below which you refuse to go.

This commitment, whether to a partner, an idea, a business, or oneself,
determines the quality of your freedom. Freedom, without commitment, is simply a
willingness to act without depth or purpose.

18. STOP.

Sometimes, you just need to stop. Not when you have to or when it feels
overwhelming, but when everything is going smoothly. That's when it's best to
pause and see if there's anything to adjust.

When you feel energized and full of new impressions, that's the time to take a
break. This allows your actively updating brain to calmly process all the novelty.
It gives your senses a moment to provide important information you might
otherwise miss. This is when you'll experience the most change—by stopping in
the midst of your activities, long before you become overwhelmed.

brain hacks 10

The language we choose to use when talking with others
and, more importantly, with ourselves—especially on
sensitive topics like sexuality—significantly influences our
behavior patterns more than we realize.

The brain processes hidden biases internally, and many of
these are related to sexuality. If you dare to question the language you use to
discuss these topics with yourself, you'll uncover a powerful brain hack #19. Just
think about it.


Our brain generates thoughts based on sensory input, memories, and internal

Also, these thoughts are subjective interpretations, not direct representations of

Perception is influenced by biases, past experiences (usually painful), and
emotions, which influence our understanding of the world. And ourselves.

Training pure perception of things out of our old neural pathways and habits (and
pains) is brain hack #20.

brain hacks 11

When someone has had the unfair experience of giving too
much and receiving nothing in return, they often close
themselves off in an attempt to receive. But this isn’t
how it works.

The brain's primary function is to keep us alive, managing our resources and
supporting our survival. Whenever we act out of need, necessity, or revenge, we
may think we are gaining something, but it actually exhausts our consciousness.
And so how can brain manage exhaustion? Right, it craves for getting.

Instead, we should teach our brain to find balanced fulfillment without relying on
external rewards. When we do this, every act of giving naturally becomes an act of


The first reaction is usually wrong.

Simply because it's a default response based on past experiences, which may
not be relevant to the current context.

Given that our context is constantly changing, questioning your initial reactions is
a crucial brain hack #22.

To constantly teach own brain to address your reactions outside of previous

brain hacks 12

Feeling down—experiencing guilt, offense, shame,
sorrow—and remaining in that state for too long is a
choice to stay miserable.

This becomes a habitual state unless we extract information
from these low points to act in new ways.

By sublimating the energy from these downstate feelings into beneficial actions,
we rewire our brain and effect positive changes in our lives as a logic result.

The key is choosing to transform downstates into new actions rather than
habitually staying down.


What sets us apart from other mammals is our brain's ability to create and tell
ourselves stories.

These stories can sometimes be excuses to cover unpleasant truths, or they can
be projections of the future truth we prefer real.

The brain hack #24 is that we can consciously decide who we want to be and
how we want to live.

By choosing the story we want to follow, we guide our brain in that direction. Our
dreams and goals come true not because we wait for them, but because we
actively decide and make our brain follow the path of our chosen story.

brain hacks 13

When a tricky issue arises, we often rely on rational logic
based on past experiences that may not align with the
current challenge.

We might also use emotional intelligence to ask for help,
gain peace of mind, and combine it with rational logic to make decisions.

The key is to tackle non-trivial challenges and look beyond our past experiences
for solutions.

Remember how many times the answer was simple and right under our noses?
We tend to search for sophisticated solutions and seek help when we could simply
question ourselves about where the solution might unexpectedly lie.


The problem is that we don't see ourselves as planetary beings.

This was a quote from an astronaut who experienced a profound personal
transformation after being in space.

When facing a minor irritable detail or a seemingly disastrous situation, the key is
to view it from a planetary perspective.

This brain hack #26 involves zooming out to see the bigger picture. Even
previous challenges, which once seemed insurmountable, don't look as daunting
when viewed in the context of personal evolution.

By adopting a planetary scale perspective, we can discover better solutions and
alternatives, while conserving energy instead of getting bogged down by small

brain hacks 14

You need to build proper resilience to emotional overwhelm
because this is what eats you from the inside.

This means developing your inner human, inner adult, and
inner personality with solid traits that connect your emotional
state—from instincts and the limbic system—to the rational part of your brain in the

If your inner self isn't grown up and lacks resilience, you'll be vulnerable to
emotional burnout and anxiety.

Building resilience and putting the rational mind above emotions is a sense of
personal evolution, and that’s brain hack #27.


Natural colors, sunlight, and reduced screen time stimulate our brain activity and
switch it to observation of surroundings, breaking the cycle of routine thoughts.

Having omega-3 rich meals into the diet is a simple yet often overlooked brain
hack #28 also.

The beauty of effective brain lies in its simplicity—none of those hacks are overly

brain hacks 15

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