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Програміст Java

50 years
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Oleksandr Galkin
e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section); [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Location: Cracow, Poland (permanent)
Looking for a position in the interesting and challenging project to increase my programming skills and make an impact.
1991-1996 Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, physical faculty
specialty: theoretical nuclear physics
1996-2000 postgraduate studies in the Moscow physics and technology
Institute (Kiev department) (PhD in Mathematical Physics)
• Functional programming (lambda calculus, typed lambda calculus, lazy evaluations, pure functions)
• Cryptography (symmetric-key algorithms DES, AES; public-key algorithms RSA, ElGamal; Diffie–Hellman key exchange; cryptographic hash functions)
• Algorithms and Data Structures.
• GRASP and GoF Patterns, UML
• Microservice architecture
• Applied mathematics (differential equations, theory of Lie group)

Programming skills:
• Java (Core, Multithreading, Concurrency lib)
JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, JOOQ
Servlets, JSP
Spring core, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring HateOAS, Spring Data, SpringAOP
• Keycloak (Plugins)
• AWS Lambdas, SQS, SNS, CloudFormation
• Redis
• JavaScript(jQuery)
• Kotlin
• Python(Core, Pulumi scripts, Django)
• C++ (Stl, Multithreading)

Professional Experience:
Java Developer
• May 2023 – actual time
Intellias (DigitallyInspried)(tech stack: Java, Kotlin, Spring boot, Spring Data, Hibernate, Postgresql, Dynamo DB, Kafka, AWS SQS, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Lambda, GraphQL, Python)
(Projects: VistaJet)
• May 2019 – May 2023
Epam systems (tech stack: Java, Kotlin, Spring boot, Spring Data, Hibernate, Postgresql, Kafka, AWS SQS, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Lambda, Drools)
(Projects: Equifax, LSEG)
• June 2017 – May 2019
INTAPP(tech stack: Spring boot, Spring data, Hibernate, Kafka, Postgresql, Microservices, AWS Cloud)
• January 2017- June 2017
Msystem technology(tech stack: Spring Boot, Spring Data, Postgresql, Hibernate, Kafka, Swing)
Trainer (Java, Spring, Hibernate, Ruby on Rails, Django)
• March 2010 – January 2019
Epam Systems (RD trainer in Java)
• March 2001- actual time
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, faculty of cybernetics (Associate Professor)
Main courses:
1. Object-Oriented Programming (C++, Java, Python, Ruby)
2. Programming Technologies
3. Abstract Algebra
4. Functional Programming
Additional Experience
• Mobile Project for Android: real time personalized gesture recognition application (using DTW algorithm), which involve accelerator sensor and gyroscope. (Startup)
• Designing programming module for approximation of the performance of computer systems depending on the characteristics of the components using piecewise linear regression model (Startup)

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