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QA-інженер, 25 000 UAH


Contact information

This job seeker has hidden his personal information, but you can send him a message or suggest a job to him if you open his contact info.

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Work experience


from 12.2023 to now (9 months)

Tested new features for UI/UX and functionality
Created checklists and test cases and bug reports in Confluence and Github
Reported issues in Github
Regression testing of all features and modules once a month
Setting the working environment and testing web application on it
Editing, creating, deleting tables in database in SQL studio

Менеджер з розвитку

from 09.2017 to 03.2024 (6 years 6 months)
ГО ССХ Україна, Івано-Франківськ (Освіта, наука)

Identification/Segregation/Cultivation/Asking - full fundraising cycle
Creation of communicative plans and Budget planning
Search of funding for staff and general fund
Training staff in fundraising
Regular fundraising trips abroad

Teacher of English

from 09.2017 to 12.2023 (6 years 3 months)
Private Practice, Івано-Франківськ (Освіта, наука)

Preparation for IELTS exam
Prepare materials for the course
Provided guidance to improving speaking and pronunciation
Led Speaking Clubs and various seminars on different topics
Assisted with homework (mostly with youngsters)
Motivate and inspire students

Knowledge and skills

  • Саморозвиток
  • Знання англійської на рівні С1-С2
  • Комунікабельність
  • Самостійне прийняття рішень
  • Здатність до навчання

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