Resume from June 12, 2024 File


Frontend developer

24 years
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Myroslava Yatsuk
Frontend Developer

Email Telegram
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) @myroslava1408

Address Profile

Ukraine,Lutsk Hello!

I'm a young girl who is just starting her way in front-end development, but I'm
enthusiastic about taking on new challenges! I have experience in freelance work
and now I'm looking for an opportunity to join your team to create exciting web
applications together. I want to learn and develop together with professionals, so
I'm ready to take the first step on the road to success with you!

Experience Freelance 20.03.24 — today
Frontend developer Remote
Engaged in developing website interfaces and utilizing the php.blade templating engine, I specialize in
optimizing their loading speed and design. My expertise lies in creating dynamic blocks that make websites
more appealing and functional. My experience allows me to effectively implement best practices for improving
website responsiveness and performance, ensuring a pleasant user interface and optimized operation.

Education Beetroot Academy 01.10.2023 — 01.03.2024

Skills HTML/CSS SCSS/SASS JavaScript React.js Bootstrap Tailwind Ajax

Responsive Web Design Gulp JQuery Git/GitHub/Gitlab Figma Node.js

API integration Axios Material-UI Fancybox Swiper Laravel.Blade

Optimization of page speed Docker npm Webpack Linux GitFlow

My projects Project 1
The site was developed on the basis of HTML and JavaScript, stylized with the help of SCSS/SASS
preprocessors, and used such libraries as swiper and fancybox.
Project 2
A website developed using HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Project 3 usp=sharing
This project was developed on the React framework, using Hooks, Bootstrap, MaterialUI and has a
multipage structure

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