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Зварник на напівавтоматичних машинах

50 years

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Popilnukha Аlexander Vladimirovich
Full employment.
Age: 48 years old
City: Kyiv
Contact Information
Address: Ukraine, Kiev, Raevsky Street
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
El. mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
The instant welder is a magician from 03.2016 to the present (5 years 8
Cposs, Sadska (Agriculture, bridge construction).
Opened the EN ISO 9606-1 135 P certificate.
Instant welder magician, method 135 from 01.2016 to 04.2017 (1 year 3
Tnt indastri, Katowice (Sea Container Trailers).
Electric gas welder from 07.2002 to 09.2009 (7 years 2 months)
Kievmetrobud, Kiev (Construction).
Welding method 111.
Welder on semi-automatic machines method 136 from 02.2001 to 08.2010
(9 years 6 months)
ZZBK / 1, Katowice (construction).
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Construction and
reclamation equipment, Kiev Higher, from 2003 to 2009 (6 years).
Construction and reclamation equipment received a degree in mechanical
Professional and other skills
Computer skills Accounting C1, Autocad
I know the methods of welding 135.136.111. plasma gas cutting. (12 years of
Free, I use now.
Language knowledge English - beginner
Polish - elementary
Additional Information
driver's license category B, C

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