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Full stack програміст

19 years

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Hlukhiv Agrotechnical College of SNAU, Computer Engineering, Associate Sep 2020 — May 2024
GPA: 5.00/5.00
Relevant Coursework: Object-Oriented Programming, Computer Systems and Networks
College Practice, System Administrator, Wholesale Grocery Store Aug 2023 — Sep 2023
Installed security cameras
Cleaned and administrated computers. Set up the router
Worked in accounting with 1C
Conducted trainings for employees on computer literacy
ReactChess Dec 2023 — Present
Build a web version of chess using React
Create components to display chessboard, pieces and control the game
Actively use props, react hooks, implement jsx logic
DjangoMarket Dec 2023 — Dec 2023
Implement e-commerce decision using Django and Bootstrap technologies
Built logic for user registration, login, post his product for sale and contact another seller using text
Deployed the application on the web hosting
Nourish Dec 2022 — Jul 2023
Made the backend and implementation of a nutrition-focused application, leveraging Flask for
backend operations and Jinja2 for frontend presentation, enabling users to monitor their calorie
Made the backend and implementation of a nutrition-focused application using Flask for backend
operations and Jinja2 for frontend presentation, allowing users to track their calorie intake.
Spearheaded the integration of the USDA FoodCentral database into the app, developing a user-
friendly API interface in collaboration with two developers, enhancing user interaction within the
Languages: C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, HTML, SQL, CSS
Systems: Linux, Windows
Technologies: Flask, Django, React, Git, Git Flow, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, NumPy, Selenium,
Beautifulsoup, Figma
Foreign languages: fluent in Ukrainian, upper-intermediate in English, beginner in Polish
FreeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design 2022
Coursera Google Crash Course on Python 2023
Coursera Create Your First Web App with Python and Flask 2023

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